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Cas ☁️: were almost home



Cas ☁️: your a dork


Cas stopped the car on the side of an apartment-like complex. He got out and motioned for everyone else to follow. He walked behind the car and opened the trunk and grabbed the luggage as sam and dean got out.

//castiels pov//

"Let me help you with that." Sam asked smiling. I nodded and he took the luggage from my hands and walked passed an angry dean. "Dean can you help me?" I asked noticing his grumpiness. Dean looked up and smiled as he stomped over to me. I chuckled as he grinned and grabbed the luggage. I shut the trunk and jogged over to the front of the winchesters so i could unlock the door.

"Welcome home!" I exclaimed as i pushed the door open and walked in. The winchesters followed and i shut the door behind them. "You can put your luggage next to the steps." I pointed at the staircase leading upstairs and smiled as i walked over to the kitchen.

"Pepper!" I made a clicking sound with my mouth and looked around for my kitten. "Pepper!" I called again before turning around to see Pepper standing on the kitchen counter. "Pepper you know better!" I scolded the black kitten and picked him up.

"Cas who are you calling to?" Sam asked from the living room. "Oh no one just my kitten..." I muttered walking into the room to see a shocked dean and sam. "You have a cat?" Dean asked with his nose scrunched up. "Yes is that a problem?" I sassed back as i put a hand on my hip while putting pepper down.

Dean shook his head as sam picked up the fragile creature and made a kissy face. Dean just looked at it like it was an alien as sam commented on the eyes. "A lot of people ask me about that" i confessed chuckling. "There interesting.." Dean said looking into peppers blue and yelloish-green eyes.

Pepper jumped out of sams grip startled by deans violent sneeze.

My mind clicked and i understood deans comment from before.

"Ah.. Your allergic to cats.." I stated crossing my arms and chuckling. Dean shrugged as he crossed his arms too. "If you want i can put him aw-"

I was interrupted by loud clicks and the back door opening. "MISHKA!" I groaned as the white dog ran over to sam.

Sams eyes grew wide and so did his smile as he saw the dog. Dean just gasped again. "YOU HAVE A DOG AND A CAT?!" He threw his hands up and chuckled a little.

I nodded as i walked over to sam and pried Mishka off of him. "My apologies sam.." "Oh no its fine! I like dogs.." Sam smiled and gave Mishka one last pet before i put him away. I came back moments later and sighed.

"Do you have any other animals that we should know about?" Dean chuckled, a grin growing on his face.

"I guess well find out later.." I gave a small wink before walking back into the kitchen, starting on lunch. 

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