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Deans first instinct wasn't to question it and it wasn't to be happy and excited at this information.

His first instinct was to comfort Castiel.

"Oh cas.." Dean wiggled closer to castiel and wiped the tears streaming down his face. He pulled him into a hug as he rubbed circles on his teeshirt. "Why are you crying angel?" He whispered in a comforting tone.

"I-Im sca-ared dean" cas sobbed into his shirt as he wrapped his arms around deans sides. "Whys that?" Dean asked moving his hand to castiels hair and playing with it. "Ive nev-er been in l-love." He choked out.

Dean stopped playing with his friends hair and pulled him away from his chest. "Cas dont be scared.. Im here remember? ill protect you" dean replied with a smile as he pulled him into another hug. "Now i can agree that love is.. the most complicated thing.. But if its what you truly feel, then i know you can out-smart it." Dean said kissing castiels forehead.

"Dean i feel so many emotions around you.." Cas started as he rested his cheek on deans tear-stained shirt. "Happiness..excitement..worry.. Protectiveness..Everything... Is that what love is?" Cas questioned his thoughts out loud.

"You know cas.. Love is indescribable, everyone has there own definition of love, and thats the fun part about it all. Love is a diverse thing that brings us together." Dean said as he focused on castiels arms around him.

"Im scared dean, but i know how i feel.. And i feel like i want to be with you and you only." Cas said with a sigh as he looked at the stars. "Then lets make it official.." Dean said with a smile. "Castiel Novak will you be my boyfriend?" He asked.

Castiel stayed quiet as he looked at the stars. Yes he heard dean but his mind was screaming no. Yet his emotions where yelling yes. His body was at war with this 'love' that he was apparently feeling. It jumbled his thoughts and blurred his vision.

So he turned to the stars for guidance. He watched there movements and the way they shined. How calming it was but yet up in space, they are burning at extreme temperatures at alarming rates. Some are dead, but light travels at a speed that takes millions of years for us to see if its really gone. The lights still shining, but its gone.

And thats how castiel felt. His emotions and thoughts all mixed up like a bunch of stars, and dean would help him point out the constellations and supernovas, and map his away around them.

He would guide him though this.


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