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Picture this image as the landscape, but instead of fireworks, its a shit ton of stars :^)

Dean opened his eyes and saw a large landscape with a single blanket rested in the middle of it.

"C-Cas what is this?" Dean breathed out as he walked towards the set up. "You think thats great..." Cas replied as he took deans hand and moved him to the blanket.

Cas pushed dean down gently, making dean rest on his back as he laid down next to him. "Look up"

Dean moved his eyes and looked up to see the consolations in perfect view. The stars lined up beautifully as they danced across the night sky. Flakes of light where splattered around the larger stars. Some brighter than others. Everything was so simple and elegant as it flashed with color.

"Its beautiful." Dean breathed out in awe of the sight. "I thought you would like it." Cas chuckled as he watched the stars with dean.

The boys sat there in silence and watched the stars. A few sighs and laughs where exchanged along with small conversation. Everything was great.

Castiel broke the silence when he reached out and grabbed deans hand from besides him. Dean moved his eyes to there hands linked together and then to cas. He smiled when he saw a grin form on his friends face.

He squeezed castiels hand in response before looking back up into the night sky.

A few crickets sounded there ears along with the gentle breeze of the trees around them.

"Dean.." Cas broke the silence before continuing. "Your something special you know that?" He said, keeping his eyes on the constellations.

Dean turned his head and adjusted himself before facing castiel. "I guess so.." Dean replied with a soft smile before turning his attention back to the sky.

Minutes pasted and it was quiet again. A small comet tore through the night sky quickly making castiel gasp. "Dean it was a shooting star! Make a wish." He smiled looking at dean.

"Im not letting a ball of ice plan my future. Besides.." Dean looked at castiel and there eyes locked together. "Ive got you to help me with that." He smiled faintly.

Cas gave a toothy grin in response before slowly looking up at the night.

"Dean you know i came here for a reason right. I didn't want a small message to tell you how i feel. I wanted to see your expression when i tell you that you mean the world to me..." Castiel started, holding onto deans hand tightly.

"And i need you to know that.." Cas felt a lump in his chest and throat. "Whats wrong cas?" Dean asked, looking at castiel with suspicion.

Castiel went quiet as he bit his lip. There was no backing out now.

"When you left back to Texas, i was so alone. I didn't know how much you where affecting me until the day after. I felt sick. I looked up my questions on the computer, guessing it was just a feeling of home sick or something, but nothing was adding up. I tried to do things like playing with mishka and watching tv, but my mind kept on wondering back to you. Hell i thought i saw you at the store and i was so happy, but it was just another guy. And i realized that..i felt this way for a reason... And.." castiel was choking on his words at the end, unable to finish his speech.

Castiel turned to look at dean, a saddened smile on his face as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Dean i believe I'm in love with you."

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