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Hours passed and dean was in tears.

Happy tears of course.

"Oh my go s H.." He breathed leaning back and laughing. "Good one charlie!" He chuckled sipping on his second beer. "What can i say.. Im punsexual." Charlie snorted as castiel choked on his water. "Ah.. My gosh charlie your a riot." Dean chuckled wiping a tear from his eye.

Charlie smiled in response as she picked at her fries. She looked at the time on her phone.


"Oh gosh i have a date at 5:30! I have to go!" Charlie gasped grabbing her things. "Im sorry...i lost track of time-" "its okay don't worry!" Cas sighed happily. "Ill pay for you." He added stoping charlie from reaching into her wallet.

"Thank cas your a life saver! ill tell you
everything after the date.. Well maybe not everything." She joked winking at her friends. Cas grinned in response as he waved goodbye. "Bye charlie it was nice meeting you" dean smiled taking a sip of beer.

"Please, names Little Red; or thats what my friends call me." Charlie winked before jogging out of view.


"Ready?" Dean asked placing a 20 on top of the bill. Castiel nodded in response as he followed dean out of the small booth that they shared.

"So how was it?" Castiel asked nudging his boyfriend. "Charlie is awesome." Dean smiled grabbing Castiels hand in his and leading him out of the restaurant.

"Race ya!" Dean said out of no where before running to the car. "OH HELL NO!" Castiel yelled running after dean swiftly catching up. "DAMN YOUR FAST" dean yelled once castiel was caught up to him. "I learned from sonic" castiel replied in a quick breath, getting closer to the car.

The boys soon arrived to the car and hopped in out of breath. They took a  while and rested as there breathing slowed to a steady pace. "I won" castiel chimed turning on the engine, bringing the car to life. "It was a tie." Dean argued playfully leaning back into his seat.

"Your moms a tie." Castiel responded childishly putting the car into gear. "あなたは停止いけない場合、私はベッドにあなたを結ぶだろう" dean replied narrowing his eyes.

"What." Castiel tilted his head, taken back from deans sudden language. Dean only smirked playfully. "Google translate it." He chuckled as cas pulled out of the parking space.

"When did you learn Japanese anyway?" Castiel sassed back. "私の叔父は私を教えました" dean replied once again in Japanese.  "Your not the only one that knows another language.." Castiel challenged dean before speaking fluent french."je peux parler français" castiel smirked looking at dean.

"Oh its on" dean declared, causing a flow of Japanese and french to fill the car in seconds.


translations: (in order)

If you dont stop , I will tie you to the bed 🌚

My uncle taught me

I can speak french

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