authors note

12.5K 307 278

hello my children :)

how was hell for you?

first of all i would like to thank everyone who has read this story, making it around the top of the destiel tag! I never knew that this story would become so popular (its one of my best ones yet) and it means a lot to know that people are still reading this today, so thank you!

its been some time since i completed this fanfic and to celebrate the fact that we reached half a million people reading this gay ass story, i will be answering questions that no one asked :)


how did you decide on writing this?

well honestly, i didn't! I just opened up wattpad and thought. "Wow these texting AUs are pretty cool... i should make one for fun.." And the rest is history.

any particular writing process that you had?

honestly, no not really. In most of my fics i just go where the book takes me. I almost never plan a story; i always feel pressured to finish it, and its never fun.

as i wrote this story, i always added and took out some ideas i had in mind. here are a few...

• cas should of never went to the hospital
• major character death was a thought in mind, but i pulled it off
• cas wasn't suppose to be demisexual

what!! no smut!!??

you would be surprised on how many people asked me about this.. (and its fine btw!! i know most destiel fics have that gay smut uwu)

but i never thought of the idea of smut as a mandatory thing, so i never really added it into any of my fics for a few reasons..

• i dont think sex is mandatory to have a loving relationship
• i dont like writing it (i prefer to read it tbh)

thats why i always hint the characters doing the nasty; so i don't have to write it. 


i have gotten sO MANY questions about a part two, and here is my response..

I want dean and cas' story to end here; there wedding. This is where they tie the bond and plan there future for the better or worse. This is the happy ending for them.

Do you have any other fics like this?

Well i guess thats in a matter of opinion, but yes i do! Most of my stories are destiel anyway so.. Go check them out!  #oopsthisisaspon


What was your favorite part of this story? Chat about it in the comments, and ill check them out.

more spon:

instagram: potsdraws
youtube: potsdraws


But thats a wrap for 'online', i hope you enjoyed this fic as much as i did, and i hope this can inspire you to write your own!! Tag me in some of your destiel stories, and ill check them out, maybe give a little critique if you want -7- !!

until then,


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