Chapter Two

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For the rest of the day after I return from the diner with Tammy I stay in my room ad put my things away before laying on the bed and just thinking. I haven't felt this safe in a long time. I am use to always looking behind my back being careful of every single move I make not to anger my step dad or set him off in anyway.

Now that I am finally free it's a new feeling. The relief and joy I feel cannot be described in words, but I still have fear. Fear that he will find me and drag me back to the house that destroyed me and any good I could have had there. Instead of letting myself think about all the bad things I decide to go to bed early since I need more sleep and I have to start work tomorrow. I quickly change into an old baggy shirt and a pair of shorts before getting in the bed and quickly falling asleep to the sound of the old pipes moving in the building.

I'm asleep in my bed back at my old home wrapped in my blanket as if it is a protective layer that could save me from the man who haunts my nightmares and my life. At the sound of a loud bang my eyes open and go wide. He is home and drunk. I curl up into a small ball on my bed with my blanket wrapped firmly around me.

I hear his feet get closer to my room. When the sound of my door being shoved open hard makes my eyes squeeze shut. "Look who is awake. How are you tonight baby doll?" he says and he slowly makes his way over to my bed and sits down next to me. I open my eyes and peak at him a little to see his eyes blood shot and his shirt missing.

"I have missed you while I was away this past week on a business trip with your mother. She may be older but she can't make me feel the way you do." He says taking his hand and brushing it against my cheek. I know not to move away from his hand or flinch because it will only anger him like it always does. "Now won't you remove that blanket and give me a nice hello." He says as he tugs on my blanket.

I let it go and he throws it somewhere else in my room. "Now let me have a look at you." He says grinning at me as he tugs my body so I am lying flat on my bed. He gets on top of me and starts tracing my hips with his hand while I hold back my tears.

"You don't know how much I've missed the touch of your small hands on me. The way they fit perfectly, like you were made for me." He groans as he takes my hands and places them on top of his erection through his pants. "Maybe I should have you teach your mother how to pleasure a man, or just start to bring you on my long trips. Would you like that baby doll?" He asks me as he continues to rub my hands over himself.

I nod my head yes knowing if I say no it could set him off. "That's what I thought. Now let's get these darn clothes off of us so you can help me with my big problem. He says smiling at me with his nasty grin that makes me want to puke. Once mine and his body are bare he enters me and I hold back the scream of pain as he tears me apart physically and mentally. "Oh I almost forgot. Happy twelfth birthday baby doll." He says smiling at me before he continues his assault and I just lay there still as I slowly die inside.

I wake up from my dream with my heart pounding and my body trembling in fear. Even when I think I've finally escaped him after all these years he had a way to still come and torture me. The night of my twelfth birthday hadn't even been one of his worst attacks on me. I think he went easier as a birthday present for me. He always did go easier on my birthday or special dates like Christmas.

I lay my head back on the pillow and try to fall back asleep and I am about to when the sound of a wolf howling wakes me up again. I am not really surprised by the fact that there are wolves around here but how close it sounds is what got me. It sounds like it is only a few feet away from my window. I just shrug it off and close my eyes hoping to fall asleep again since I need rest so I will be awake during work tomorrow.

The next morning I wake up and quickly get a shower and do my morning routine. Once I am done with that I pull on my light jeans and plain black shirt before heading off to walk to the dinner. I pass Tammy on my way out and nod a hello at her. She quickly runs up next to me and we start walking together. "So are you going to school?" I ask her motioning to her backpack.

"Yep I am doing my interview project today. I will tell you how it turns out." She says. For the rest of the walk we stay silent till we reach the diner and say goodbye. I walk into the diner and notice no one is there. "Phil you here?" I call out. I hear a noise from the back of the diner in the kitchen area and a few seconds later Phil walks out covered in flour from head to toe. "Oh Haven you are five minutes early. Great way to start a new job. I am impressed." He says smiling at me before taking off his big old men glasses and cleaning the flour off of them.

"I have a lot of things to do today so my grandson id going to be coming in soon to cook and show you the ropes. We don't get real busy ever so I don't think it will be too hard." He tells me as he grabs a few things before heading to the door. "Oh there he is. His names Patty and he is a sweet boy just doesn't know how to hold back his opinion. He gets it from his father's side. Have a good day." He says before walking out the door and waving hi to his grandson.

When Patty walks in he looks at me and freezes. "My grandpa did tell me he got a new employee but didn't tell me she was the women of my dreams." Patty says and winks at me. I feel my cheeks heat up a little. I mean who wouldn't at that from the boy next door. With his baby blue eyes and golden blonde hair he looks just like the perfect all American boy. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the quarterback for his high school football team.

"I'm Haven." I say while I grab a pencil and notepad before sitting at the counter waiting for the first customer of the day to show up. "I am Patty but I am guessing my grandpa already told you that and told you to stay away from me and my good looks." He says taking the seat next to me and smiling at me.

"So have you ever worked in a restaurant before?" He asks me after a few seconds of silence. I can already tell this guy likes happiness and cheery stuff and not awkward silences. Before I can reply two men walk in and take a seat next to us. "Patty Mr. Westbrook has been looking for you." One of them says while the other eyes me.

"Oh has he? I have been around here I don't get why he hasn't been able to find me." Patty says stuttering a little and looking like he is about to rap himself. "Well I will tell him where you are he will probably swing by later today to talk." The guys says before turning to me. "Who are you?" He asks me with a sneer on his face like I disgust him.

"I..." I start speaking but am cut off by Patty. "She is my cousin who finally decided to visit me after me begging and begging her to for months." Patty tells the guys. They look between us both and don't look like they are falling for it but don't say anything about it. "We will need to inform Mr. Westbrook about her he doesn't like new people coming to his town and him not knowing about it." The main guy talking says. "Oh of course. I would do it myself but you will be seeing him sooner. If that is all I have a kitchen to run." Patty tells them. I can tell how much having them here is bothering him and they must be able to tell to because instead of leaving they turn and take a seat at a booth.

"Actually I think instead of leaving we are going to wait here for the boss make sure you don't somehow get lost. Would you be a dear and get us both coffee?" He asks smiling at me. I nod my head and head to the back to get them both a coffee. Patty follows behind me and when we get to the coffee maker her stops me and turns me to look at him.

"Before Mr. Westbrook gets here I just want to warn you about him. He is not a nice man and he never has been, so please be careful about what you say and how you act around him." Patty says with real concern in his voice for me. "I promise I will be careful." I say to him before turning to the old out dated coffee machine and pour two cups for both of the men.

I carry them back out to them and see one of them on the phone when I reach them. I set them in front of them both and turn to the man who is not on the phone. "Would you or your friend like something else or anything?" I ask the man and keep my voice low not to disturb the other guy's phone call. "No thanks we are both fine. But I do have a question how could a girl as beautiful and sweet as you be related to him." He asks. "You can't choose your family." I tell him making him laugh. I then quickly walk away to Patty who is glaring at the wash cloth he is using to clean the counter with.

We continue just doing little things around the dinner taking care of a few customer and refilling the two men's coffee when they ask until a nice black SUV pulls up to the diner parking lot. "Well it looks like boss is here." One of the men says smiling at Patty while he stands there frozen and starts to sweat from fear.

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