Chapter fifteen

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I'm sorry I have been really lacking with the updates lately. I am going to make myself do better, its my new years resolution. Hope you all like the update.


I've had a few more sessions with my therapist and they have been helping a lot. Right now I am finally going to tell Tate about one of my favorite hobbies like she suggested. He looks really confused as I lead him towards the neglected ballroom. "Why are we going here?" He asks once I push open the doors. "My therapist suggested I share some things about my past with you and so I decided to share my favorite hobby, dancing." I tell him as I let go of his hand and head to the middle of the room. I place my phone down and hit play letting the soothing ballad bounce off the walls of the room as I start dancing to it.

I loose count of how long it has been since I started dancing after the fourth song played. When I finally finish and look at Tate he looks awestruck standing there just staring at me. I walk up to him and he places both his hands out for me to take if I want too. I instantly do loving the feeling of his rough hands against my soft ones. "That was beautiful, I never realized someone could dance so, so I don't even know, I'm speechless" He says smiling down at me. "Thank you." I tell him as a blush covers my face. "How did you start dancing?" He asks me, and so I tell him how I would do anything to be out of my house and I discovered my love for dancing through watching through a window. He listened attentively asking a few questions and not breaking eye contact.

Once we finish talking we head to the kitchen where Nana is preparing dinner. "Oh hi you two. I hope you all are hungry because I've got a treat for you all tonight." He says looking at Tate. "I can't wait." He tells her as he pulls a chair out for me. "And don't worry Haven I didn't forget about you. "She says giving me a wink. Tate walks around and opens the fridge spotting a chocolate cake. But before he could even touch it Nana smacks him on the back of the head with a spatula, causing me to burst out in laughter.

"That cake is for after dinner. So either grab an apple or sit your behind down." Nana tells him, leaving no room for discussion. "Yes ma'am." He says as he grabs to apples and hands one to me. "Good boy." She replies making me laugh again. We stay in the kitchen for a little while longer before heading outside for a walk. I make sure to wrap myself in layers of jackets to stay warm while Tate just keeps on his light long sleeve shirt.

We stay quiet for a little while until I see a few wolves running through the woods. "Hey Tate." I say softly but still loud enough for him to hear. "Yeah?" He replies. "I know this might be weird but could I ride on your wolf?" I ask him. For a second he looks completely shocked that I would ask that but it quickly turns into a smile. "One second." He says before going behind a wide tree. Not even a minute later he comes trotting back in wolf form.

He walks up right next to me before laying down so I could easily get on his back. Once I am on and have a tight grip around his next he starts walking in a slow jog. "You can go faster I will be fine." I speak into his ear. He gives me a head nod and his slow jog turns into a slow run. I start giggling as snowflakes land on my face and Tate speeds up a little more. He jumps over a few logs before coming to a stop at a frozen pond.

He lays on the ground and I easily get off him and he heads behind a tree to change back into his human form. I take a seat on the ground and Tate sits next to me soon after. "Do you ever think of having a different life?" I ask him as we both stare at the frozen pond. "No, my life is exactly how I want it and if I did have a different life I might have never met you." He says making me smile. "The only good thing that has ever happened to me is meeting you." I whisper. I hear Tate's breath stop for a second. I turn to look at him and see his eyes glowing bright blue. "Do you really mean that?" He asks me sounding cautious and a little scared, like I might take it back. "Yeah, I mean it." I tell him. "Good because I'm in love with you."

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