Chapter Thirteen

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The car ride back had been silent between Tate and I. we were both just in a trance of happy that neither of us wanted to risk breaking my even breathing too loudly. Everything just seemed so perfect. The snow was lightly falling, the sky was a cloudy but not too cloudy, and Tate and I are great. I honestly don't think I have ever been as happy as I am right now in my entire life.

I turn and look at Tate just to take in the fact I am here with him and he and I feel the same about each other. He turns his face and looks at me for a second smiling before his face turns into one of shock and fear. I turn around confused to what he is looking at and see a truck heading right towards us. Before we have time to react the car comes in contact with us and the car starts flipping while glass goes everywhere. I hit my head hard against the door and everything goes black.

I had just gotten home from school and was happy because I had gotten an A on my vocab quiz and my mom had left me a piece of chocolate cake in the fridge I could eat if I had gotten a B or higher. Instead of going to my room like I usually do right when I get home I go into the kitchen and throw my backpack in a corner before making my way to the fridge.

Once I got the piece of cake I grab a fork and sit at the table to eat it. I take my first bite when I hear his voice coming from the front door. "Baby doll are you home?" He calls out in a drunken slur. Quickly leaving the cake I go and hide behind the island in the kitchen. I hear his footsteps get closer to the kitchen until he is on the other side of the island.

"Baby doll, I was going to give you a present today but looking at this mess you made here I think you need to be punished." He yells out while I stay curled up just a few feet away from him. "There you are." He cheers when he finds me and picks me up roughly before sitting me on the counter top. "Now what should your punishment be for making such a big mess." He asks me while smirking. "I swear I was going to clean it up." I tell him praying he will believe me.

"Now Haven what have I told you bout lying?" He ask me. "But I wasn't lying!" I say kind of loud. Right when the last word leaves my mouth I feel his large hand come in contact with the side of my face making it swing to the left. "Don't disrespect me you little bitch!" He spits out at me before opening the drawer next to him and taking out a medal spatula. Once he has that he grabs me and heads towards the dining table where he takes a seat and places me on my stomach across him.

He then pulls down my pants and underwear till my bottom is bear and starts hitting me with the spatula. I flinch and hold back my cries of pain as he continuously spanks me with it. After about 15 hits he stops and starts rubbing my bottom making me want to cry even more. After a minute he continues hitting me again until I think I am going to pass out. He finally stops and places me on the floor. "Now clean up this mess then go do your homework. We can't have you failing the fourth grade." He smirks at me before leaving the house probably to go to the bar.

Once he is gone I quickly clean up my mess before going to the bathroom to check on myself. When I do I see my butt is already bruising black and blue and I have a few bad cuts on it. Not knowing how to take care of it I take a shower letting the cold water run over my wounds before getting in my bed and laying on my stomach since I won't be able to sit anywhere for a while.

When I wake up everything is groggy and I can't focus. After a few minutes of dealing with that everything becomes clear and I see Tate next to me unconscious. I reach out and start to shake him to see if I can get him to wake up. From what I can see the only damage he has is a few bruises and scrapes and of course the giant knot on head from where he hit the window. "Tate please wake up." I beg shaking him. "Tate we need to get out of here." I kind whisper yell at him. Before I can say anything else the door on my side comes lying off and I am pulled out of the car. I let out a scream and the person behind me quickly shushes me right before I hear a loud wolf howl and see Tate's wolf get out of the car and growl at whoever is holding me.

"Tate calm down, it's me Boyd." Boyd says from behind me. I easily rip myself out of his grip and walk over to Tate's wolf who is still lowly growling at Boyd. "Hey Tate, it's okay. We are both fine and Boyd was just helping me." I say softly as I sit in front of him and stroke his fur back. Tate finally stops growling and likes my face making me smile before everything starts to become fuzzy and I feel myself falling over before I black out once again.

He was touching me again. Feeling all over my body as my step father just watched and smirked. "How much to get a piece of her?" He asks Richard while I just sit there letting him roam his disgusting hands all over me. I just don't care anymore. Let him do what he wants to me. It won't be the worse that's happened to me. Nothing can beat what Richard did, even thinking his name makes me want to vomit. He has broken me more than I thought possible after all these years, he took all the damage he has done since the day I met him and made it seem like nothing.

"200 and I'll let you have her for the night." Richard says to his friend who has gotten some balls and is now painfully gripping my breast between his disgusting hands. "I can't do 200, my wife would notice that much missing from the bank account." The man says. Richard gets out of his chair and quickly walks over to me and the man to take his hands off of me and drag me to sit next to him on the floor.

"Well you can leave now then. No one gets my girl for a small price, so either you pay up or leave." Richard says to the man who looks beyond pissed as he gets up and leaves. Once he is gone Richard turns to me with a big smile on his face. 'Don't worry baby doll. I wasn't going to let him have you even if he paid me. Now how about we do something fun before we head home." He says as he grabs my hair and pulls me towards him.

"Hey snowflake. How are you feeling" Tate asks me as soon as I open my eyes. "I've had worse." I mumble while reaching out for the water Tate is holding in his hand. He hands me the water and I drink it all in a few seconds making my throat feel a lot better. "How long have I been out?" I ask Tate. "Just a day. The crash took a lot of your body and you were exhausted." He tells me and I just nod along. When he is done explaining what happened the doctor comes in and runs some test.

Once she is done she tells Tate I am healthy enough to leave but still need a lot of rest. "So are you ready to leave?" Tate asks after the doctor is gone and I have been discharged. "Yeah." I reply and right after Tate helps me up and helps walk me outside where there is a black SUV waiting for us with two others in front and behind the one in the middle.

I look up at Tate confused to why there are so many cars. "It's a security precaution to make sure we don't have a repeat of the car crash." He shrugs before helping me in the back seat of the car before he gets in on the other side. "Is this how it is going to be from now on?" I ask Tate. "It sadly will be until we find out who tried to kill us."

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