Chapter nine

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I was almost finished with this update a few days ago and had around 2000 words when my idiot self didn't save it and had almost all of it gone the next morning. So sorry for the wait and I hope you guys enjoy. don't forget to leave some feedback or your thoughts on something.


The next morning I wake up and am surprised when I feel Tate's hand laying lightly on the curve of my side. Slowly I turn around so I am facing him and take the hand that was on me into my hand and hold it lightly while I just stare at Tate. I haven't known this man for long but he has already changed me so much.

When I first met him I was terrified at how scary and intimidating he looked but he has never been anything but kind, sweet, and understanding with me. He never pushes me to tell him something even though I know he has to be wondering about me and my problems. He is everything I have needed. Not only have I let him touch me but he has also touched my heart and I don't think I want him to let go.

It has been so long since I have had any love or companionship in my life and I have truly missed it. You don't realize how important it is to have someone there to hold you when you are scared, to listen to you when you are hurt, and to let you cry when you are sad, and to remind you in the loneliest of times you are still not alone. He has brought me so much more in these few short weeks then either of us could imagine and I hope one day ii will be and to share that with him. How he has made me happier, he has made me believe in living and not just existing again.

I get broken out of my train of thought when I look and see his dark blue eyes open and staring back at me with a pure smile on his face. "Good morning snowflake." He says calling me his nickname I have over time grown to like. "Morning." I mumble back moving my face down to hide my blush and start subconsciously playing with his hand I am holding. "How did you sleep?" He asks just staying still as I continue to mess with his hand.

"Great." I say not even realizing I said it till I feel my cheeks heat up and Tate's hand moves and starts to mess with my hand too. "It was the best sleep I ever had." He says making me look up and see him still looking at me smiling. "You look so beautiful." He tells me making me join him in smiling. Before I can respond though his phone starts ringing making me jump and him curse under his breath. He sadly and slowly gets up and heads to the bathroom to grab his phone.

When he comes back out it is against his ear and he is frowning. He takes a seat down on the bed next to me again and he looks at my hand then my eyes silently asking if he can hold it again. I grab his hand and he gives me a look I don't know what it meant before focusing on the call. "I know that it is bad, I am the one who told you to look into it. No that's is not the answer I wanted. Take care of it before I have too." Tate says sounding angrier the longer the conversation goes on.

When he finally hangs up he looks like he is ready to explode. "Are you okay?" I ask him. "Yeah everything thing is fine. Just some business stuff." He says not answering my question. "But I ask if you were okay." I tell him as he turns and gives me a reassuring smile that doesn't meet his eyes. "I am now." He says squeezing my hand before telling me he has to go do some things and leaving me to worry and over think about him.

I sit around my room for a while before I throw on a baggy sweater and leggings and heading out to explore the castle. I have been here for a few weeks and only have seen my bedroom, the halls, dining room, and the kitchen. I decide to start on the first floor and quickly head down there. When I reach the floor I turn and head in the opposite direction of the kitchen and everything I am us to seeing.

I walk only mere seconds before I walk down this magnificent hallway full of beautiful antique looking artwork. I slowly walk down the hallway admiring all the piece when I reach a pair of huge wooden doors. I try pushing one open and manage to enough where I can fit through. Once I make it in I notice it is a ballroom that looks like it would belong in beauty and the beast.

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