Chapter Ten

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Instead of taking me to my room like I thought he was he walks to the door next to mine which I am guessing is his room. He holds me closer to him as he opens the door with one hand and pushes it open wide enough for both of us to fit through it. I look around and am not surprised to see his room is not what I expected.

He of course has a large room with high ceiling fit for a king. He has less windows then mine but his are spread out more. His dark hard wood floor has a very old look to it and his walls are dark red giving a mysterious setting to the room. In the middle of his room he has a large king size poster bed with pure black sheets and comforter and dark red curtains tide to each wooden pole holding them back. He then has dresser and a table with a few chair around it. Besides that his room is spotless.

Once he lays me down on his bed he grabs his phone and heads into another room that is connected to his bedroom. "Boyd I want you to come up stairs right now and wait outside my door." I hear him say into the phone while I just sit on his bed holding onto myself still trying to get back to normal. Once he ends the call he walks back into the room and takes a seat next to me.

"How are you feeling?" He asks looking at me with worried eyes. It's a new feeling having someone care so much about me and want to protect me and I am really enjoying it. "I'll be fine." I say giving him a small smile to reassure not only him but myself. He just looks at me for a few seconds before there is a loud knock at his door and he goes out into the hallway to I guess speak with Boyd.

I try not to listen in but Tate didn't shut the door all the way so every word he spoke I could hear. "What do you think you were doing down there with Haven?" Tate's asks losing the sweet tone he has whenever he speaks to me. "Tate I just don't want her to use you. I am just looking out for the good of the pack and you." Boyd replies sounding like a small child defending himself to his father.

"It's Alpha to you right now. Not only have you hurt Haven you have doubted my ability to lead this pack and make the right choices for my pack. If Haven was a threat at all to us she wouldn't be here, but she is not. She is just a young, scared, broken girl that I happen to care about a hell of a lot. So if I ever see you even speak to her with the wrong tone again I will strip you of your Beta title and you'll be stuck on border control for a very long time. Am I understood?" He asks Boyd. "Yes." Boyd responds sounding scared and pissed. "Yes what?" Tate draws out slowly. "Yes Alpha." Boyd snaps before I hear the sound of footsteps growing distant and Tate walking back in to be greeted by my confused face.

"How much did you hear?" He asks walking over to me and once again sitting next to me. "All of it. You don't have to explain if you don't want to, and if I am such an issue with your friends I can just leave." I say knowing some secrets belong to the one who has to bear them and no one else. I am also hoping he doesn't make me leave because I don't want to lose what I am just beginning to gain.

"No I want you to stay and I want to tell you so badly I just don't know if you are ready to hear what I have to say and I am terrified when I do it will scare you away from me." He says taking my small hands into his much bigger ones. "I've seen a lot of scary things in this world, and I don't think whatever you have to say will scare me off." He looks up from our entwined hands and smiles at me before starting to speak.

"I am different, most people can't comprehend what I actually am and if they do they think I am a spawn of the devil. They think I am some terrible wicked creature here to destroy everyone in this world. But I am not, I am just different. More than human, less than animal, I'm a Lycan." He tells me making me even more confused. "What's that mean?" I ask him still so lost. "It be easier to show you. Just please don't run from me." He begs as he gets off the bed and takes of his shirt. I stay frozen and watch as slowly his hands turn into claws, his nose turns into a snout, and he turns into something so beautiful and so deadly.

He turned into a wolf. But not just any wolf, the wolf that saved me that night at the school the one I couldn't remember till now. Slowly I get off the bed as he watches me with his glowing blue eyes. I make my way to the ground and sit before placing my hand in his white soft fur coat. He starts rubbing his big head into me and getting closer making me laugh a little. "You are so amazing." I say in awe making him make this strange purr noise that I guess means he approves of what I have said.

He lays down and places his head in my lap and I continue to pet him. If I try stopping he makes this displeased yip noise that is so adorable. We stay like this for a while as I adjust to this and am shocked by how I haven't freak out yet. After petting him for a good 15 minutes he stands up lick my face and prances into the open closet before closing the doors with his hind legs.

When Tate comes back out he is fully dressed and looks a little worried. "So you aren't going to leave me?" He asks cautiously. "Of course not, I don't know how anyone could see you as anything besides magnificent." I say making his nervous look disappear and a one full of joy appears. "Are you sure. You aren't just scared to admit that I am a beast and you want nothing to do with me, and when you get the first chance to run you are going to and never look back." Tate says rambling like a nervous teenage boy making me smile and fall a little more for him.

Slowly I lift my hands and put them on both sides of his face feeling his stubble run against my palms. "I promise I am not going to leave you Tate." I tell him making him calm down and lean into my hands while I move one of my thumbs across his cheek. "What I do to have you in my life?" He asks me making my heart beat a little faster and my smile grow a little wider.

"I ask myself the same question." I whisper hoping he didn't hear me. Soon enough our moment of peace is broken when the sound of knocking is heard and Tate sadly gets up to open the door. "Yes?" He says opening the door to show a young guy probably 16 looking very skittish. "Um Alpha there has been a breach in the borders and they need you there now." The boy says. "Where?" Tate says very clipped. "Northwest border. They caught them but need you there." He says repeating himself over again a little.

Tate nods his hand and sends the boy off before slamming the door making me jump and turning to look at me apologetically. "I'm sorry I have to go. When I get back I will answer any questions you have. Please just stay in my room till I get back. I'll have Nana send you up some lunch." He says before quickly kissing my forehead and then running off to do whatever it is he does.

I get off the floor and sit on his bed for a while just thinking when the door opens and in walks Nana with a tray of food and what looks to be a big old book. "Hello dear, how are you?" She asks me as she places the food on the bed next to me. I eye the book before looking up at her and replying. "I'm good, how are you?" I reply back. "Great now that Tate has informed me you know about the lycans now." She grins at me.

"But anyways I am here to feed you and give you this." She says handing me the old book I have been looking at quite a lot. "What is it?" I ask her. "It is the entire history of Tate's kind. From the good to the bad, from the first wolf to Tate. His family holds a very important place in the lycan community." She tells me before leaving the room and me with the huge book that will probably clear up most of my questions.

After I finished eating my lunch I quickly get started reading the book. Right when I opened it I notice that the pages look old and worn down. I easily find the index and start looking over all the things this book holds. I stop when I read the royal family and remember Nana saying Tate's family holds an important role.

I flip to the page number given and start reading. At first it's just hierarchy rules and what it means to be what in the royal family. It starts to get interesting when I start reading how the next in line can only take over when he has bonded with his soul mate, which makes me go back to the index to figure out how you bond with your soul mate.

I start to read about it and first realize you choose who you believe is your soul mate who is another lycan and once you both agree the more dominant mate bites the other and then you consummate your bond and the dominate one bites the other again during the act. At this I close the book and push it away.

I just stare at the book for a while wishing for it to just vanish from existence and never come back. Why does this have to happen to me? When I finally have something good in my life something has to come and take it away from. Because of these stupid rules I can never have the only man I have ever wanted. Because of these rules I can't ever have Tate.

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