Chapter Eighteen

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My mom is letting me use her computer until mine gets fixed so I was finally able to updated. i apologize if it has more grammar issues than usual, she doesn't have word on her computer so my editing isn't as good as usual. Enjoy.


I wake up the next morning physically and emotionally drained. My body feels dead and I am ready to just go back to sleep when I notice Tate staring at me with a small smile on his face. I move closer to him and place my hands in his. "Good morning snowflake." He says with a hint of sadness in my voice. I know it is from last night, I never thought he would be this torn up about what I told him. The fact what happened to my daughter hurts him so much makes my heartache. I don't want him to be upset yet him being upset makes me feel more love for him.

"Morning." i reply pulling my face into his chest seeking his warmth. "I really need to get up. It's almost noon." He tells me while stroking my bed head down. I just whine and pull myself further into him causing him to laugh. "I don't want to leave the bed either, but I have put off my work long enough. You could always come with me and hang out in my office." He suggest making me groan. I can't even fathom the idea of leaving this bed today. "Okay, I will coming back in few hours to check on you and then to have dinner. Until then rest, I'll have Nana bring you some lunch." He says while getting up and getting on his daily clothes.

i just watch him until he i ready to go and walks towards me. "I will see you later." he says before kissing my forehead. He walks off but stops when he reaches the door and turns back around to look at me. "I love you." He says than turns back around and leaves while a smile comes onto my face. He is everything I hoped to have someday and I finally have it and am finally completely and totally happy.

When Nana comes into the bedroom with some food I realize how hungry I am. I haven't eaten much and now that  I am about to eat the hungry finally hits me. She places it in front of me and I quickly start eating. "Thank you." I manage to get out in between bits. "So, how are you?" She asks me sounding very cautious. " I'm fine, just tired." I reply. She looks at me worried but nods. "Just know I am always here for you sweetheart. "She says as she watches me carefully while I get up and go wash my dish.

"I will remember that. Thank you for the food." I tell her before leaving the kitchen and waling out. I stand in the hall for a few seconds before I look outside and see the fresh snowfall. I decide to go for a walk nd quickly go grab my coat and head. I find a path near the side of the house and start walking down it. I have never been out here before and its breath taking. The trees are lightly covered in snow and the ground has a been mostly covered. It look likes a winter wonderland.

I continue walking for a while before I come across a frozen lake. I sit at the edge and just look out over it. I feel at peace here and could stay here forever. It feels comforting and like my own little piece of paradise. My moment of peace is quickly ruined when the sound of running is heard in the woods to my right. I stand up and look over to see a big brown wolf staring at me and snarling. I can feel my heart beating in my chest so fast  I think it might just explode.

The wolf comes closer to me and it mouth curls into a snarl showing of it white sharp teeth that could tear me apart in seconds. I ty to start backing way but it just snarls louder making me stop. It walks forward and starts to circle around me, trying to intimidate and frighten me and let me tell you it is working. I wouldn't be surprised if I passed out any second now. The wolf stops behind me and nips at my thigh making me yelp and jump forward. It does again a little harder breaking through the fabric of my pants and my skin.

I can feel the blood from the small wound and the cold air now hitting it. The wolf latches onto my other leg this time making a scream of pain come out of me. Once it let goes and shoves me again I realize it is trying to get me to walk into the woods with it. I have enough common sense to know this isn't going to end good but I still have to do what it wants if I even want  chance to make it. I start walking towards to woods with the wolf still nipping at my legs making me jolt forward whenever its teeth come into contact with my skin.

Once we are in the woods the wolf leads me off the path a ways and then stops out of nowhere. I turn and look at the wolf only to freeze when I see another wolf behind the first one. The second wolf is hiding behind a bush and has its eyes stuck on the first wolf. Figuring since the second wolf hasn't joined us yet it probably isn't a friend of the first wolf. my eyes drift to a fallen tree branch next to me and then back at the wolves in front of me. I know the wolf hiding could be bad too but I have to take this chance.

 I start looking from the first wolf to the second until the first one turns to see what I am looking at. Once he is turned around i grab the branch and hit its back legs as hard as I can making it loose its balance and fall over. I take this chance and run as fast as I can leaving both the wolves behind me and not turning back. I run for a short time before I see more wolves running towards me leaded by a familiar white one. Once his eyes lock on me he runs faster until I throw myself into his soft fur.

I hear a soft whimper come from him and pull myself tighter against his large wolf. "I am so happy to see you." I whisper into his fur before pulling back some only to have him lick my face. I smile at him and lean into him to help support myself as the pain from him biting at my legs start to set in. Tate looks up at me worried but I just smile to reassure him I am fine. He doesn't look like he believes me but before he can do anything a sound comes from in front of us and outcomes Boyd dragging the brown wolf.

Tate eyes zone in on the wolf and he starts growling. The wolf looks up terrified. he then sees me leaning against the Tate and looks ready to pee himself. He starts whining making Boyd kick him to shut him up. "You already attacked our future Luna. It would be in your favor to not annoy any of us." Boyd tells him while Tate is still growling at him. I start stroking his fur to calm him down some. Once it works he lays on the ground and motions for me to get on top of him. I  do and wrap my arms tightly around his neck before he takes off with the other wolves following quickly behind him.

When we reach the house Tate gets a pair of pants from a maid and quickly changes and comes back to look me over. He sees the back of my legs and growls again before eyes the brown wolf. He looks like he is about to go over and kill the wolf so I tug him towards me and he easily understands and wraps himself around me. "Take him to the cells. I will be there soon to talk to him." Tate says while I run my hands through his hair making him look down at me smiling. "Snowflake I have to take care of this." He tells me looking sad he has to leave. "I know.' I reply. He looks down at me before brushing the back of my legs making me flinch in pain. "Boyd take her to the infirmary and don't leave her till i get back." Tate tells him before kissing me on the forehead and then walking off to wherever the cells are.

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