Chapter Seventeen

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Just a warning this chapter gets really sad for a little bit.


Tate's POV

Rage is all I can feel after Haven left to go to bed. After she told me about her past all the questions I had but didn't ask were answered. All I can picture is some man hurting her and it kills me inside knowing I wasn't there to stop it to know she faced so many years of torture and had no one but herself. She is stronger than I will ever understand. I head to the gym in the basement to get some of my anger out knowing if I don't I am going to end up breaking something or hurting someone.

When I make it there I am glad to see it's empty. I head to the punch bag and just start letting it out imagining it was her step-fathers face. It doesn't take long till I break the bag and get a new one. "Wow man who pissed you off?" Boyd asks when he sees the broken punching bag and the new one I got that is just about to look the same. 'Is it about your girl? I told you she's got some issues and you should honestly stay in the same species for mating. It's not too late to reply to Alpha Danforth's message to go to his daughters choosing. From what I hear she is pretty hot. "Boyd says pissing me off even further. I turn around and punch him in the face.

He falls to the ground and once he gets over the shock of me punching him spits out some blood. "Okay I get it. You aren't interested. You could have used your words." He says standing up. "Boyd I have used my words many times, you just haven't accepted the fact I want a human to be my mate and Luna of my pack. I am in love with her and whatever you say won't change that. She is the only one there is for me. It's her or no one.

"Would your opinion change if I told you she was a runaway with a warrant out for her arrest." Boyd says handing me a file I hadn't notice he had. I open it and see a picture of a younger Haven more scared than she is now. She looks like a frightened rabbit and I can feel myself physically ache as I imagine what she was going though at that age. "She has a warrant for attacking her mom and almost killing her. Her hospital record is also in there. She has been injured more than some of your best warriors and the worst is this." He says flipping to a page specific page in the file. I start reading and freeze at the words of why she was admitted. "Do you really want some whore as your Luna?" Boyd asks me. I can feel my rage grow at Boyd's words. "I suggest you leave before I hurt you Boyd." I say and watch him realize I am going to lose it.

Once he is gone I drop the files and let myself fall to the floor and pull at my hair. Why does it hurt so much knowing what Haven went through. I run my hands over my face and feel wetness. I realize I have started to cry when I hear the sound of feet coming towards me. I look up surprised to see a half asleep Haven looking at me worried. She sits onto the floor next to me and waits till I open my arms before laying against me.

The feeling of having her in my arms knowing she is safe calms both me and my wolf down. I look at her and notice she is looking at the files. "You know about Poppy." She says still staring at the file. I notice her hand start to touch the tattoo of a flower but more specifically a poppy flower she has. "I was going to tell you eventually about her. It just still hurts to even think about it let alone tell you what happened. But I guess you know now so there's no reason to hold off the inevitable.

"You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to." I tell her as I pull her closer to me not wanting to lose her touch knowing we both need it. "I was sixteen almost seventeen when I found out I was pregnant. At first I was terrified about the baby but after a few weeks I realized she was a blessing. I was in so much pain and had already tried to kill myself multiple times before but it never worked. I had just given up on life until her. She gave me a reason to hope and fight again. I knew I had to get out of there for her sake. I kept my pregnancy a secret until I was eight months along. When he found out he was so mad. I had never seen such rage before. I tried to run but he caught me and threw me down the stairs. He then came down and continued to kick me until I was bleeding and about to pass out. That's when he took me to the hospital. I had to give birth to her, my dead little girl. She never even had a chance. When she was finally out of me the nurse let me hold her in my arms for a few minutes. She was so beautiful and so still. Richard my step father had friends in the hospital so they were able to say in my records I was only 16 weeks along and I had a miscarriage. .

My dad's favorite flowers were poppy's so I named her after them and planted a few in the backyard, for weeks I would go out there and sit next to them crying and asking why this happened to me. What did I do to deserve this? Her death is what pushed me to run. I couldn't let it be for nothing. I had to get out of there for the both of us." By the end of her telling me she was in hysteria sobbing into me and I could feel my tears running freely.

I was going to kill this man. I was going to take him and torture him until he begs for death. I am not going to let him leave this earth till all he knows in his life is pain, till he gives up on even death as his way of escaping his pain. I look down at Haven and know I have to do this. For her and her child.

I hold her and let her cry until she passes out. Once she is out I pick her up and head upstairs only to run into Nana and Boyd. I turn to leave knowing I can't even be in the same area of him right now without wanting to punch the fuck out of him. I continue walking only to be stopped when Nana catches up to us and looks down at Haven.

"Oh this poor thing. Why has she been crying?" She asks looking worried and finally looking up to see my eyes are also red and puffy. "Oh Tate. What happened?" She asks looking more scared then worried now. I haven't cried since I was a little boy so I know this must be a sight to see. "She told me about her past and it was a lot to handle. She doesn't deserve the life she was given. She deserves so much more." I say looking down at her now peaceful face.

I can tell the rest of my life is going to be spent making Haven as happy as I can. Seeing her upset breaks me in ways I can't explain. "You are giving her the life she deserves. I've seen the way she's changed since she's gotten here and how whenever you are around she smiles more and she just becomes happier all together." Nana tells me while I hope she is right.

Once I reach my room I place her on the bed and lay down next to her. Soon after I hear her start to whine and cry out in her sleep like she does most nights. I take her hand in mine and squeeze it to make sure she knows I am her and not going to leave. Slowly the cries stop and she curls against me and grips my shirt. She mumbles something in her sleep before she opens her eyes a little and smiles up at me making me instantly smile back at her. "I love you Snowflake." She smiles up at me again before falling asleep in my arms.

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