New Beginings

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It's foaling season and many of the mares are nervous about their foaling. Misty was one who worried about her foal's character and not her looks, and Carlette only wanted her foal to have its dad's looks. Fitz, Pluto, and Cyber were soon to be fathers as well. They too were nervous but not nearly as much as the mares. Fitz was in this nervous happy state. He just really wanted to be a parent. He enjoyed teaching Nitrate and Bella when they were younger, he couldn't wait until it was his foal he was teaching. Cyber was a brand new horse who was also about to be a father. He kind of wanted his foal to have his coat but he also wanted the foal to be a good foal. Vin on the other hand was an experienced father. All he wanted this time around was to be with the mare and foal together but Pluto had other plans, plans to keep Misty away from Vin. Pluto was just sad that he'd only get affection from mares during one season, fall. Though Misty was his paddock buddy, he knew that was only a friend relationship. But Pluto knew how terrible Misty and Vin acted around each other. Cyber noticed but didn't say anything about it to anyone in fear of making an enemy.
Even though Carlette and Fitz weren't mates, those two were the closest of friends. They wished they were the same job so they could be mates. Carlette and Fitz helped Misty escape for a bit from time to time. Fitz and Pluto would get talking and occasionally fight a bit while Carlette and Misty snuck off to meet with the other mares and a few stallions. Vin was there. This was the only time Misty and Vin could stand being together. They will be parenting a foal together after all. Soon Cyber started showing up to the hide from Pluto area.
Maybe a few weeks of meeting at their hiding place, Misty foaled. She had a beautiful red roan filly. She had both Vin and Misty's asgardian mutations. Sadly though, Misty foaled early which made the filly weaker than she should be. "Nimue" whispered Misty, "I'll name you Nimue"
A few weeks later it was like a chain reaction of foalings. Carlette foaled a lovely leopard blanket filly, Fitz's mate foaled a red dun splash colt, Cyber's mare foaled a pretty polamino colt, and Pluto's mare had a dun filly.

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