Nord dragon hunt story

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When the crisp afternoon air clipped through Perfection's thick black mane, He knew it was just right for tonights events. He had been fitted for armor the previous days and so had Breeze. He loved his set. Breeze Strider wasn't a fan and knew what it meant. She had not been in a battle with a Dragon before but neither had Perfection. The two were practically the complete opposite of each other. Strider was terrified of the prospect of facing a dragon while Perfection was keeping a cool face. He looked foreward to continuing his breed's legacy. He had finally come to a home that was ready for the nord norms. Strider was a different story. She did not want to do anything nord normal. This is something the pair constantly fought about.

Perfection's thoughts faded away as a human walked into the barn he and Strider were in. The human grabbed tightly braided rope with a shiny gold clip at the end. Followed by that, his stall was opened and the favorite clip of the clasp around the bottom ring of his halter. He was lead out of his stall and into the isle where more rope with clasps where clipped onto the sides of his halter. Strider had the same done but by a different human. They were both brushed off and had their normal saddlery put on. After the humans left silently but came back with the clanking armor. Piece by piece the armor was put on until they looked like warrior horses. The noise was something they had to get use to but it seemed to dull the longer they had it on. Then they had their bridals put on and Perfection had his head gear put on, following that the two where led out and the humans hopped on and spurred them off. They started into the forest.

It was a while before they slowed down to a walk. it seemed like they might be close to a dragon, Perfection could feel it. As they turned a tree, Perfection spiked his ears forewards. He heard the snoring of a dragon. They slowed even more. Thats when Strider stepped on a dry twig. The snap seemed to echo through the forest. The dragon's steady breathing suddenly changed and everything seemed to stop. The dragon began to stir and thats when Perfection prepared himself for a fight. Strider was swinging her head back and forth nervously. She wanted to run but her rider wouldn't allow her. 

Perfection then heard the dragon get up and the coin beneath him stir. It was time. Perfection was ready for this. He pranced in his place to let his rider know he was ready. Strider's rider pulled the bow from off his back and prepared it. No one knew what kind of dragon they would encounter so they prepared for everything. Now the dragon was up on its feet and it took a step. The ground shook at the step of the giant. It was time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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