So Far Away

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TEMPORARY A/N: just so you guys know, this isn't (IT IS NOW COMPLETE!!) completed yet, but I promise I'm working on it pretty much as we speak... I don't know how long it will actually be yet, but yeah... update soon ^_^ favourite/comment/review etc. Thank you guys :3

*UPDATE* this is complete now^ ignore temp a/n above

"Light Yagami; you... are Kira!"

Near had announced it with pride. His focus had been entirely concerned with solving this case, leaving his mind no space to be caught up with anything else.

That was it. He'd won! Admittedly, yes, with the help of L, Matt and Mello. But, he had.

He'd won the game, but what was his prize?

The feeling of winning was temporary, the sense of achievement had started to feel like just an illusion.

He lost himself that night. He got lost. Alone. Not only out in the streets, but in his mind. The further he ventured into unknown territory and explored, the further his mind wandered. It was beautiful, like temporarily going into a new world for a while, that he didn't know existed. It reminded him of those closest to him.

An adventure, forgetting where he really was; pretending he was anywhere he desired to be. Anything he could dream up in his vivid imagination. Large sophisticated buildings surrounded him from either side, the orange glow from the street lamps flowing out amongst the wide pebbled road. A river almost breaking out through the cracks as the rainwater lightly made its way through the crevices, creating a stream as more droplets landed on the cobbles. It was truly beautiful. Water droplets dampening Near's hair and running from his forehead, down amongst his features, then falling from his chin.

Near smiled, stopping in his tracks upon reaching a bridge, as he gazed into the beautifully illuminated blackness that was the night sky, airy clouds floating slowly by as they masked each of the stars and revealed them like it were the first time.

Then he realised, nowhere really did feel like home. The closest feeling Near could get to home, was to find places that he'd never been to before. There was something calming, settling about it. Cold kicked in to his frozen still figure, like an unwanted emotion trying to seep into his mind, numbing him partly physically. His neck was covered in the natural liquid, and areas of his pale skin starting to show through his cotton shirt as the material became soaked in the rain. Closing his eyes, he managed to show the slightest likeness of a frown, opening them to wide eyes appearing emotionless and void, although anyone who knew him would recognise the sadness lost in them. The darkness growing more and more, engulfing its' surroundings further into the night. The sky becoming clearer, stars disappeared one by one. He let his line of vision fall to the ground.

He'd been left behind.

He always had been.

The chilly, yet, now almost unnoticeable draught stealing away small locks of his ice-white hair along with it.

He'd always liked being alone in his own space and doing his own work, but the boy had never known loneliness.

He could only hope, that somehow, they were still here. He frowned, happiness vaguely evident in his expression as he considered the possibility. He knew it was a silly far-fetched theory and that it was illogical to think that such a thing was possible, but contrary to the fact that he- much like L, barely slept, he could still dream, right?

He turned back.

As he walked, he started to think more to himself. 'What would it matter if I died now? The world is safe from Kira now. Nobody here needs me anymore.'

...but there were people he needed.

People whom, unfortunately, he couldn't just follow for the sake of his loneliness. He'd saved the world from Kira, who knows what else could happen that requires his attention, his intelligence, his skill. It was improbable that anything as major as the Kira case would happen, but there would be cases nonetheless. Cases where lives were at stake, maybe cases even similar to the Kira case, or cases like...

"Hey Nate!" a familiar voice spoke from behind him, interrupting his thoughts.

...this one!

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