Chapter Four: Who Do You Think You Are

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December 18, 1999

"This is the last letter until the new year. Your only homework over Christmas break is to write back." Mrs Dobson raised her voice, speaking over thirty excited students as she handed out envelopes and candy canes.

"We're leaving right after lunch." Jordan grinned; her family was spending the winter holidays in France. They were rich, her father was the mayor, so it wasn't like money was a problem for them. "I'll buy you something! You'll like it, promise!"

"Here are your letters, girls. Have a merry Christmas!" Mrs Dobson gave them their letters and candy canes. Five minutes later she told the class to get ready to leave, and a voice on the loudspeaker announced that the busses had arrived. Students ran outside, saying goodbye to friends before boarding busses and family vehicles.

"I'll send you a postcard!" Jordan gave Edie a hug before leaving with three of her brothers (she had seven in total).

"I see Daddy!" Melanie shouted excitedly, pointing out their father. He stood next to an old pick-up, as his car had been sold.

"Mom said he wasn't coming today." Edie muttered to herself, and they ran over to him. "What are you doing here?"

"You're stayin' with me for a couple days. Now c'mon, get in." Hank opened the door and helped them into the truck. Leslie had called him early that morning, asking if he wanted to have Edie and Melanie. She felt he needed to spend time with them, which made absolutely no sense whatsoever. First she wanted him to stay away, and now she thought he should be with them. There was something suspicious going on and he wasn't really sure if he wanted to know what it was.

"But we don't have anything packed for overnight." Melanie pointed out.

"Yeah, you're right. I guess we'll just have to go see your Mom for that." He started up the engine and drove across town to the new house. It was run-down and in a sketchy neighbourhood. A black cat sat in the driveway next to Leslie's maroon Jeep.

"I wonder who's here!" Edie unbuckled her seatbelt, hopping out of the truck. She ran to the front door, pushing it open, and screamed. Her mother was lying on the couch, shirtless, with a man on top of her. He looked over at her, clearly shocked.

"Hey, kid." He gave her an embarrassed smile. Edie screamed again.

"Shit." Her mother swore, pulling her shirt back on.

"What in the hell, Leslie?!" Hank hissed angrily from behind Edie, who didn't even bother taking off her snow-covered boots as she ran the short distance to her bedroom. She threw as many clothes as she possibly could into her orange suitcase, grabbing her memory box, a stuffed rabbit, a little yellow monster truck she'd bought for Nolan but never had the chance to give him, and her piggy bank. She then went across the hall into Melanie's room and packed a suitcase for her, dragging them out to the living room. Her parents and the man were fighting. She didn't see Melanie anywhere, and figured she was still in the truck.

"I'm living with Daddy now. Bye, Mom. Have fun being a sinner and I hope you have fun living in hell when you die." Edie glared at her mother and stomped out the door, slamming it behind her. Melanie helped her pull the suitcases into the truck, and asked why everyone was yelling.

So Edie told her.

They sat in silence until Hank opened their door. "Your mother wants to say-"

"No. I'm not talkin' to her. She lied to me. Can we go now?" Edie stated coldly, staring out the window at the falling snow. She was so disappointed in her mother, and felt she could no longer trust her. Her father was known for breaking promises, and now she could say her mother was a liar. Who could she trust anymore?

"Alright. I'll be right back." He went to the house and returned a minute later. "So I guess we're going grocery shoppin' then."


"Don't make me go back, Daddy, please." Edie begged tearfully later that night. "I'll be good, I'll listen!"

"I'm sorry Edie. But you have to stay with your mother. At least for now." Hank said as he tucked the girls into his bed (he planned on sleeping on the couch), knowing he couldn't take care of them properly on his own yet. Leslie had a history of mental illness, and her judgement was often impaired. "But one day you'll live with me. I promise."

"I don't want Mommy to be lonely. She would miss us too much." Whispered Melanie.

"She won't be lonely, Mel. She has a special friend now." Edie spat, rolling her eyes as she had to explain what a special friend was.

"Alright. Time to sleep. Night, girls." Hank stood up, turning the light off before leaving the room. No matter what people said and thought about him, and his parenting skills (or lack of, for that matter) he loved those girls. He just didn't know how to properly show it. The whole incident with Edie was something he would regret for the rest of his life; he'd been drunk every time it had happened and now he was in an Alcoholics Anonymous group.

Back when Nolan had been born, he and Leslie talked about going to court for custody. Sheryl didn't have a job, she'd been evicted. She was known for her excessive partying,drug abuse, and sleeping around. She wanted to get pregnant, rumour had it, for the money from welfare. Of course they'd had a DNA test done, which was positive. Nolan was definitely his son.

But the day they brought it up to Sheryl, she decided she needed to visit her sister, 400 miles away. That was the last time he saw her, his son as well. Not even five months later she sent him a letter asking for hold support, as well as photos of Nolan. Soon after he received a letter from her lawyer, saying he owed nearly one grand in child support. Hank didn't have that kind of money and was sent to jail for six months. Now he just wanted to find his son, bring him home.

He found a job as a carpenter, and was saving up for a better apartment with three bedrooms. Maybe he would be able to get sole custody of the three of them.

He wanted a chance to prove he could be a good father.

He knew he had it in him.

|> so there you go. What do you think of the story so far? It's strange writing about Hank this way because I know already where he will end up.
Why is Edie so mad at her mother, calling her a sinner and a liar, you wonder? Well Leslie took them to church twice a week for 3 ish years. Not saying that Christianity is a bad thing but...lets just say this church in particular is a bit cult-ish in their 'beliefs' and yea.
I've decided that some chapters will only be letters between Edie and Bill while others won't. There will be time jumps and such.
Anywayyyy lemme know what you think and all that. Got questions? I'll answer them. Just ask away.

From Yours Truly, EdieWhere stories live. Discover now