Chapter Seven

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January 11, 2000

Dear Edie,

My father is good at breaking promises too. He called last minute and said he would not be coming. Tom got mad and broke the door of our room. Gordon had to buy a new one. Gordon is our mom's boyfriend. We did not like him at first but we love him now.

You are funny when you are mad. It is true. I am sorry.

Yes they are very rude. I try to stay away from them as much as I can. I am glad you are my friend!

Edie you might not like what I am about to say but I think you should give your mom's friend a chance. It's ok not to like him but just give him a chance because you never know. Maybe he will keep his promises. Like Gordon.

My mom says grown up problems are complicated and weird and really confusing especially to kids. She is right, they are.

You are very good at drawing. Even better than me. My mom framed the picture and now it is above my bed on the wall right next to my Green Day poster.

The boy who is sitting behind me won't stop throwing erasers at me. It is very annoying and I wish he would move to China because he can't bother me from there.

We still haven't decided on a name for the band. Georg says he is getting tired of the name Devilish. We all are. It just doesn't really fit us even if we are "Devilishly Good." Do you have any ideas? And don't say Spice Girls. We are not girls okay.

Your friend,


--holy hell I feel awful. I was getting better but now I am having anxiety attacks.

From Yours Truly, EdieWhere stories live. Discover now