Chapter Twenty Five

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December 20, 2002

Dear Billy,

Tell Tom you guys look the same and that doesn't make him the good looking one.

I'm not mad but I was very sad because I thought you forgot all about me. Dad is drinking beer again. It makes him get really mean and he scares Nolan and Mel. Mom works all the time now since Dad's boss fired him from his job. I have to take care of Mel and Nolan all the time now because I'm the oldest. I don't mind because I love them and I would do just about anything for them (don't tell them that).

I don't go to Jordan's much anymore. She doesn't understand why I always tell her I can't. But she's still my friend at school, where I don't have to watch over Mel and Nolan every second of the day. Brian is my friend all the time, not just at school. His dad is mean to him. Last night he came in through my window and stayed the night because his dad locked him out and wouldn't let him in.

School still sucks. Ricky still bugs me and I always get in trouble for really stupid things. Like right now, I'm in detention for calling the art teacher a stanky butt eater. Brian promised he would walk Mel and Nolan home and find them something to eat. I'm so glad he's my friend.

We don't have that much food because Dad takes the grocery money out of Mom's purse and spends it on beer and those nasty cigarettes that smell like rotten sweaty armpits and skunks. Sometimes he snorts white stuff up his nose when Mom has a night shift and he assumes we're asleep. I told Mom before but she didn't believe me and told me to stop lying about things I didn't understand.

I really don't think we will have a Christmas this year. We don't even have a tree. Dad was supposed to go buy one but he went to the bar and got drunk instead. Mom keeps telling me not to worry and that everything will work out. But she's told me that so many times and I don't believe her.

Detention is over so I have to mail this before I go home.

What's your most favourite thing about Christmas? What do you hope you get? Are you gonna see your dad?

From yours truly,

P.S. - I'm sending my school photo. Nolan and Mel wanted to send theirs too.

From Yours Truly, EdieWhere stories live. Discover now