Chapter three: Same Class

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A few days later...

Marinette's POV

A few days passed after my encounter with Cat Noir, and I hadn't seen him since. Eileen told me that he was spotted on campus a few hours after he left my room.

"What happened to him?" I ask, worry in my voice.

"Nothing bad. Just a few fan-girls went after him." Eileen places her bag on the floor next to her bed, and looks in my direction.

I felt like she wanted me to respond, but nothing came to mind. All I wanted to know was that Cat Noir was okay, and he was.

"What time does class begin?" I ask to change the subject. Eileen glances down at her watch.

"In about twenty minutes."

I nod, understanding and pick up my phone. Normally I would turn it on and look to see if he called, and once I knew that he didn't, I would throw it face down onto my bed. But this time was different. I didn't look to see if anyone called. I just placed it down and looked in the opposite direction.

"Marinette?" I look at Eileen.

"You didn't look..." She continues. I shake my head and look down.

"No... I didn't..." I say, and Eileen walks toward me.

"What does that mean?" She asks.

I think for a moment. Why didn't I look? Was I actually over Adrien? No! That's... that's impossible, I've had a crush on him for as long as I can remember. We practically grew up together... And then it hit me. Adrien and I had practically grew up together. We had been in the same class since we started school. Maybe I wasn't in love with Adrien, but that I loved him because we had been around each other for our entire lives. As much as I didn't want to think about it, that didn't stop me from doing it.

"I... I don't know..." I cover my eyes with my hands as a few tears slipped out. Eileen quickly pulled me into a hug, shushing me quietly.

"Hey, hey, you're okay. You're okay..." She reassured me. If this was true, then why did I let him kiss me after our graduation? If I really wasn't in love with Adrien, why did I feel so heartbroken? I'm so confused...

Before I knew it, twenty minutes had passed and Eileen and I was walking to our first class. My whole body felt numb, inside and out. I didn't even realize that Eileen was talking to me.

"Marinette, are you sure that you're okay?" She asks as we sit down towards the front of the room.

I nod in response. I honestly didn't know what was wrong with me, but I was sure that I wouldn't let anything drag me down.

As the class progressed, my eyes hurt, begging me to let them cry out. It was almost unbearable, but I trudged on.

It wasn't until the end of the class, when I stood up from my seat, and all eyes were on me. And that's when I seen them... Those vibrant green eyes I remember looking into so many times before... They were looking right at me... It was him... Adrien... His mouth was slightly parted, and his green eyes wide. Why was he here?! How long had he been here? I couldn't take it any more. My hands went to my face, and I ran from my seat to the door. Before I ran out, I looked back at hi, something I shouldn't have done, because he was looking right at me. That's all it took for me to run out, hot tears falling down my face. Adrien was in the same class... He was at the same school... He was right there, two rows ahead of me...

Adrien's POV

Damnit! I knew this would happen, I knew it! I never wanted her to find out that I was here... but it was inevitable... What's going to happen now? It's not like she's going to happen now? It's not like she's going to forgive me right off the bat. I've got to show her that I never meant to ignore her, I just didn't want her to think I was throwing myself at her. It doesn't matter any more... She's clearly over me, and I don't blame her for moving on. I'm not worthy of her...

The class didn't even flinch when Marinette ran out. It continued as if nothing happened. I wanted to see if she was okay, but I didn't leave my seat. And I regretted it...

*After class*

Class finally ended and Marinette didn't come back until the room was empty. I stayed behind to talk to her and I wasn't sure of how it would work out, but I had faith that it wouldn't end in a total disaster.

"Marinette?" I walked up behind her and lightly tapped her on the shoulder. She hesitated when she turned around, but a smile was on her face, which gave me hope that she might forgive me.

"Adrien! How are you?!" Her smile grew wider and I could tell she was forcing it, which caused all the hope I had, disappear.

"I'm fine..." I gulped. "How... how are you?"

She shrugs her shoulders and closes her sapphire blue eyes.

"Oh you know, I'm doing great!" She smiles again, knowing that it was getting to me.

"But you wouldn't know anything about my life since you never bothered to call!" And there it was.

"But don't worry about that, I'm fine!" She turned back around to get her bag.

"Marinette, I wanted to call you, but I coul---" I tried to explain but she cut me off before I could finish.

Marinette grabs her bag and walks to the door. She stops to look behind her shoulder. A single tear fell down her cheek as she mouthed one word:


Marinette then left through the door, leaving me with the professor.


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