Chapter seven: Let The Games Begin

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Disclaimer: The song chosen for this chapter is not to describe that Marinette is fifteen, because she isn't, not in this book anyway. The song symbolizes that if some cute guy says you're beautiful or that he loves you, they might not always be right. And how Marinette takes it, isn't lightly.

Marinette's POV

My eyes flutter open as I slowly sit up.

"Wh-where am I?" I yawn and look around the empty room. Did I spend the night with Adrien? I didn't mean for that to happen. Adrien and his roommate are probably in class. I yawn yet again, and get out of bed. Rubbing my eyes, I notice a note on the night stand, addressed to me.


I didn't want to wake you, so I wrote you a not instead. I can't find enough words to thank you with, and I don't want to be cheesy either. Thank you for forgiving me. If you ever need a lending hand, or a shoulder to cry on, I'll always be here for you.

--- Avec amour, Adrien"

I smile and put the note back on the night stand, and stretch my arms. He's so sweet. Remembering that Adrien was in class, I grab my phone out of my pocket and check the time.

9:27 AM

It's almost 9:30! I'm late! Stumbling to grab my shoes and throw them on, I run out the door and hurry back to my dorm.

I open the door, and see Eileen sitting on her bed, her head in her hands.


She looks at me, tears falling down her face. "Marinette!" She jumps up and runs over to me, pulling me into a hug.

"You had me so worried!"

I chuckle and hug her back. "I'm sorry I forgot to text you. I didn't mean to stay the night with him."

"Him?" She pulls back and arches a brow. "Who's him, and why did you spend the night with him?"

"Not like that, Eileen! I just fell asleep." I laugh and walk to my dresser.

"Who with?" She asks again.

"Adrien." Once his name left my mouth, my eyes widen. I forgot to tell her that I forgave him.

"Adrien? Hold on, did you sneak out and go see him?" I turn around, and smile.


"Well you could've at least told me before you left! Or left me a note at least!"

"I'm sorry, Eileen. It won't happen again." I tell her.

"It better not! She jokes and laughs. "So tell me, how did it go?"

"How did what go?"

"Your little 'sleepover' with Adrien." She winks and crosses her arms. I shake my head in defense.

"We didn't do anyting!" I protest.

"You defended that kind of quickly." She smirks.

"Adrien and I didn't do anything." I open a drawer and get out a light pink blouse.

"Did you two even talk? Or did you just go over there to spend the night?" She laughs again, and sits down in the chair in front of her bed.

"We did." I looked down. "I forgave him..." I notice her hazel eyes grow wide.

"You did?"

I nod. "I did. And after that, I asked him if we could move past the dilemma and re-new our friendship."

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