Chapter twelve: Confrontation

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Adrien's POV

After walking around campus, looking for the she-devil, I finally found her nuzzled up against Ryan, Eileen's 'douchy' brother.

"Samantha." I said sternly, making her jump up from the bench she was sitting on.

"A-Adrien!" She straightened her shirt, popping out her chest. I looked at her in disgust.

"Do you really think you can get away with bullying someone?" I yelled.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" She stuttered, her cheeks turning red.

"Bull shit." I shot her a glare. "You called Marinette 'fat' when she clearly isn't. The only thing that's 'fat' is your ungrateful attitude." I rolled my eyes.

Samantha snorts, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Big deal, she got over it, didn't she?"

"She starved herself because of your ignorant comment!" I shook my head, clearing my mind of the thoughts that came rushing in. You came here to confront her, not yell at her.

"This is a confrontation, Samantha," I sighed and closed my eyes. "You can't expect to 'joke' around with someone and not make them feel insecure. You don't know what she's been through, so why add the extra weight of telling her she needs to 'lose a few pounds'?" I use air quotes and re-open my eyes to look at her facial expression.

"If you knew what she was dealing with right now behind closed doors, then maybe you'd learn to shut your damn mouth." I finished and turned around, my face hot and red. Now I just need to walk away before I do something that I'll regret.

"I only did it to make you see that I'm the girl you want! Not her! She's so boring and predictable, she'd never make a move on you. But if I was with you, I'd be sure you never have the chance to make a move." She replied in a 'slut' voice. I could tell Ryan was starting to get mad by his breathing. I stopped walking, my back still facing them.

"And maybe you should learn to close your legs too." With that, I walked away. There's only one girl that I want; Marinette. She's the only one that has my heart and engraved her name on it. She was always on my mind, 24/7. I wanted her to know that I love her, I always have and always will. Samantha was dead wrong; Marinette was incredibly fascinating, and I wanted to know every little detail about her. I need to make a move on her before it's too late. This gives me an idea.


I returned to the fashion show center, and walked in through the back because of my 'outfit'. While on the way there, I hid myself to turn into Cat Noir, it's the only way to full fill this plan without me blushing like an idiot.

It's true with what they say; Give a man a mask and he shall speak the truth.

"Is Marinette okay?" I ask Eileen as I walk up behind her.

"Thank God you're here, Adrien. She's just about to wake up. Where the hell have you bee--" She looks at me, and her eyes go wide. "You're not Adrien."

I look down, pretending to pat my body. "I don't think so?" I chuckle and look back up.

"Well either way, I'm glad someone's here to look after her."

"Where are you running off to?"

"I hate to leave her here, especially with you," I put a hand on my chest for dramatic effect. "But I've been requested in the Dean's office. I'll be back as soon as I can." She pats my shoulder and runs out of the room. Once she was gone, I looked back at Marinette's sleeping figure and smile. She looked so cute and peaceful when she was asleep. Memories of the night she forgave me ran through my head. I wanted to so badly wrap my arms around her and hold her, but I didn't. Maybe since I was Cat, I'd be able to work up the courage and make a move. Here goes nothing.

Her blue eyes fluttered open, and looked around the room, slowly landing on me.

"C-Cat?" She asked quietly. I walked over to her, and knelt down beside her.

"Hey, Princess. How are you?"

She shrugs. "I'm okay."

"You had me really worried." I took her small hand, and played with her fingers, making her giggle.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, just promise me you won't do it again, okay?"

"Do what?"

"Please don't starve yourself."

Her eyes went wide and she blushed in embarrassment. "I-I won't..."

"You don't need to harm yourself like that, Mari, you're beautiful inside and out, and that's the honest truth. Don't let anyone try to change you to their advantage. You're stronger than that." She nods.

"I won't let it happen ever again, I'm sorry."

"I'm just happy that you're all right." I sighed in relief.

"I am." I laced my fingers with hers, and leaned down to kiss the top of her hand. She smiled warmly and yawned.

"You want me to take you back to your dorm, M'lady?" I ask, and she nods softly.

I smile as I pick her up bridal style, her head resting on my shoulder. Without even thinking, I began to lean down close to her small petite face and lightly kissed her. Her lips... Oh my God, her lips! They were so soft and warm, I didn't want to stop. Surprisingly, she kissed back, making it even more passionate. I was actually kissing Marinette, not as my self, but Cat Noir was basically me, only a mask and suit changed that.

As the kiss progressed, I was surprised even more with what she did next, but didn't complain at all. She was a natural at it... And it drew me even crazier.


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