Chapter eleven: Skin Deep (Part Three)

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Marinette's POV

The fashion show is in two days... I've eaten little to nothing since Saturday. I've got to stay thin so I can fit into this dress. Just two more days, that's all Marinette. You can do it...

My head's been hurting like crazy. It's not just a regular migraine, it causes me to feel dizzy and get nauseous. It's probably just my nerves. I can't wait to get this week over with, I've honestly had enough of this.

Eileen and Lucas were out again. It was their sixth year anniversary. Must be nice to have someone you love and care about be with you every waking moment. Knowing that they'd do anything for you, and want the best for you. I'm afraid that I'll never find that, unless they're right under my nose and I'm just too oblivious to see it. (Irony)


Adrien's POV

Finally the day of the fashion show has come. Now all of the drama can go away, and hopefully Marinette will regain... everything she's lost. She's really thin, and it's worrying me that she's... starving herself. Please don't let it be that, please...

"You better get ready, the show starts in ten minutes." Plagg says over my shoulder. I shoo him away with my hands and continue on my work. I had been working on this damn art homework ever since I came in from that damn class. It's going to take me the rest of the night just to finish. Good thing it's the weekend.

A few more minutes passed before Plagg spoke again. "Adrien! You're going to be late!" I look over my shoulder and shoot him a glare.

"All right, all right!" I stand up from the chair and stretch lightly.

"You want to see Marinette, don't you?" He asks, as he gulps down his cheese.

I shoot him a glare, and roll my eyes. Even though he was right, I didn't want to admit it to him. I did want to see Marinette. I was so worried about her. I guess when you hide your feelings for someone, the more you fall for them. And I was falling for her fast.

"Adrien!" Marinette's tired voice brought worry to me. I looked up from my paper, and noticed her eyes were drooping a little.

"Marinette! How are you?" I ask, worry clear in my voice.

She nodded. "I'm okay. How are you?"

I shrug. "I'm fine." I lied, but she had no idea. She smiled and turned back to the mirror.

Eileen walked up with an apple and bag of pretzels, handing them to Marinette.

"Here, you need to eat."

Marinette looked over her shoulder at the food then up at Eileen.

"No, no, I'm not hungry." She turned back around, and played with her hair.

"Marinette, you need to eat. You'll faint out there if you don't." Eileen replied sternly. Marinette shook her head 'no' and began to apply red lipstick to her thin lips.

"I told you, I'm not hungry."

Eileen looks over at me, her brows furrowed. I shrug and place a hand on Marinette's shoulder.

"Mar, can you at least eat a little?"

The tube of lipstick drops from her fingers as she shut her eyes and breathed out through her nose.

"Fine." She responded quietly.

Eileen hesitated and handed her the bag of pretzels. Marinette silently took the bag.


"No problem, I'll be in the crowd, cheering you on." Eileen turned around and left Marinette and I alone.

"You're going to be great out there." I said, and looked down at my shoes, noticing a small smile crawl onto her face from the corner of my eye.

"Thanks, Adrien."

I smile too and look back up. "I'll be out there if you need me." She nodded, opening the bag and putting a few pretzels into her mouth.

I turned around and headed for the door. Before I left, I looked over my shoulder to see Marinette standing over a garbage bin, spitting out the pretzels. And that's when I knew she was starving herself. I wanted to run over to her, and hold her, but I shouldn't interfere, she's going through something that I don't understand. And since I didn't understand, how was I suppose to comfort her?


Marinette's POV

I stood back up and wiped my mouth, turning around and straightened my dress. This was it, the night of all nights. I've got to make this perfect in order to be noticed by the scouts. Don't mess this up, Marinette! Please don't!

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you're up in five!" An announcer calls from the stage.

I take on last look in the mirror and sigh. I've gotten so thin these past couple days, but it's worth it, I guess. I could tell Eileen and Adrien were worried when I didn't accept the food earlier. For some odd reason, I get the feeling that Adrien is starting to catch on with what I'm doing. I hope he isn't...

Five minutes went by quickly, and I was now standing on the edge of the catwalk, my hands starting to shake, and my head beginning to hurt. Rubbing my temples, I look out into the crowd and see Eileen, Adrien, and Lucas sitting together at the front of the catwalk. It's now or never, Marinette.

The music started, the lights dimmed down, and I was pushed onto the stage. I took a deep breath and began to walk, trying hard to keep my eyes open and my balance steady. But as everything goes wrong, my vision turned black, causing me to fall.

Adrien's POV

We all watched as Marinette walked down the catwalk, her eyes dropping slowly until she... fell... Her eyes closed and she fell forward. Everyone jumped up and starting going crazy. Eileen and I jumped up onto the stage and checked her pulse. She was breathing all right, but unconscious. I picked her up bridal style and brought her to the back, Eileen following closely behind.

Once we were in the back, I laid her fragile body down on a bench.

"Mari?" Eileen asked weakly. She didn't move. Tears came to Eileen's eyes as she called for Marinette again, receiving no answer.

"Someone! Get the doctor!" She yelled, falling onto her knees, burying her head in her hands. I knelt down beside her.

"Hey, she's going to be okay." I tried my best to comfort her, but she pushed me away.

"Don't worry about me, Agreste. Worry about her. She's starving herself for goodness sake!" She sobbed.

"She's... what?" The words came out in shock, yet I knew she was. Eileen nodded, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Marinette started skipping out on meals a couple days ago, probably to stay thin for this stupid fashion show..."

I was too shocked to say anything, but my brain turned to a few days earlier when I heard Samantha tease Mar about her weight.


Eileen looks up and rubs her nose. "What?"

"Nothing." I turn around and walk out.

"Adrien! Where are you going?" Eileen called after me, but I didn't bother to stop and tell her what I was planning on doing. If I did, she'd stop me in a heart beat. I wasn't going to hurt Samantha, I would never hurt a girl, I was only going to confront her, that's all. And if she so happened to lie to my face about it, well, I don't know, I haven't gotten that far.


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