Chapter fourteen: No Longer Kids

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Adrien's POV

12:37 AM

I lay in bed, wide awake. I couldn't sleep a wink since that kiss I had with Marinette...

Plagg had told me there was a new Ladybug... I didn't take it well...

It almost caused me to have a panic attack, but I controlled my breathing and lay down to try and sleep.

Plagg didn't give me any clues on who Ladybug was, which worried me since I knew who my lady was...


I don't know how I didn't see it before. I was completely oblivious of who her true identity was until that night on the roof top. I was overwhelmingly shocked when her mask came off, yet I didn't look away. When I seen it was Marinette, my heart beat picked up its pace. I knew that I liked her, but that night I seen her in a different light. I seen her as the girl of my dreams... My lady...

This only worried me even more since Marinette had just accepted my apology. What if I told her I was Cat Noir, and she hated me even more? We just got back on good terms and with this little 'mess' up in the way, I'm afraid she's going to resent me even more.

"You need to stop worrying so much, Adrien." Plagg flew over to my side and landed next to my pillow.

I sigh and close my eyes. "I can't help it, Plagg, I'm always going to worry about things, especially when it involves Marinette."

He shrugs. "She's not going to hate you, she's still in love with you, can't you see that?"

My eyes bolt open and I look down at him. "If she was still in love with me, why would she tell me that she moved on? She said it right to my fac-- er, Cat's face."

"You really are this oblivious, aren't you?"

"Guess so." I shrug. "I just don't see why she would do that."

Plagg face-palms and shakes his head again.

"Marinette is still in love with you, she lied about moving on so she could save your friendship."

My eyes grow wide in realization. "S-she did?"

Plagg nods. "Yes, and you shou--"

He was cut off by a knock at the door. We exchange looks before I sat up and made my way to the door. Plagg quickly hid underneath my pillow.

With a small sigh, I open the door and glance down at the figure before me.

Her sapphire blue eyes were bloodshot and puffy. She had been crying... All of my previous worry had come running back. Without any warning, I wrapped my arms around her small frame, and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

She didn't speak, and she didn't need to. I could tell something was wrong by watching her body language. She was slightly trembling as a few more tears left her eyes.

We remained standing in the threshold, me holding her protectively. It was only a few minutes before we parted and she looked up at me.

"Adrien..." She croaked out.


"I know..."

I searched her eyes for a clue at what she meant, but found nothing. "What do you mean?" I asked, nervously. Did she know that I was Cat Noir? Hopefully not.

"You're him..." She paused. "You're Cat Noir..." Shit...

I laugh to throw her off, clearly not working.

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