Chapter twenty-two: The End Is Just The Beginning

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{A/N: In the last chapter, I forgot that I had changed the title after writing the entire thing, so the A/N makes zero sense now XD also this is a really long part but I saved the best for last!}

Third Person POV:

It didn't take long for Alya and Eileen to drag Marinette from her soon-to-be husband and to the nearby "powder" room. They sat her down at the vanity and went to work, taking off the not-so-flattering lipstick color Mason's mother begged for the bluenette to wear since she herself wore it on her wedding day.

"Am I making a mistake?" The girl squeaked out, staring at her reflection. Alya and Eileen stopped in their tracks, exchanged looks, then both scoffed.

"Are you serious, Marinette?! He's back, he's waiting for you, and you're getting married! There's no time to second guess this. You've literally planned for this day to come ever since middle school. No backing out now." Alya stated as she applied a thin layer of bright coral lipstick to Marinette's lips. Eileen nodded in agreement, fiddling with the navy blue hair that was once in their signature pigtails for some reason.

"It's been five years too long, Mar. You both love each other, which was obvious in the beginning but now, you can take that final step of your ultimate fan fiction: marrying Adrien Agreste."

"How did you—" Marinette started but was soon cut off by Alya standing her up.

"There, you're complete! Now! We need your father to re-walk you down the aisle and give you away... to a different guy." She scanned the room for her purse where her cell phone lay tucked inside.

"Actually, I don't want to walk the aisle that way again." Both girls stared at her in shock, their lips parted slightly.

"What?!" Alya's eyes grew wide.

"Everyone's already seen it, shouldn't I shake things up a bit?"

"Mar, you're shaking them up by getting married to a different guy. Anymore shaking and you'll cause multiple heart attacks." Eileen crossed her arms over her shoulders.

"Wait, I've got an idea." Alya's lips curled into a smirk as she glanced down, collecting her thoughts.

"I don't like that look." Marinette let out a sigh as Alya chuckled.

"Eileen, I want you to retrieve Lucas and Marinette's parents. Tell them there's been a change of plans. I'll get Nino down here and let Adrien know what's happening."

Nodding, Eileen exited the room and made her way to the wedding hall. Marinette looked at her best friend with a confused expression.

"Don't worry, I'll come back for you when we're ready to go." Alya pat the top of Marinette's head before moving towards the door.

"What on Earth am I supposed to do while you're gone?" Marinette tried her best to follow Alya out but as soon as her feet touched the carpet of the hallway, the redhead pushed the bluenette back into the room.

"Play a game on your phone, write the last chapter of your Fan Fic, hell I don't know. But you better not leave this room!" The door was closed before Marinette could respond.

Sighing to herself, she retreated to the couch and pulled out her phone. "This only makes me more nervous than I already am." She mumbled, tapping onto a game.


Adrien remembered the way Alya stomped down the aisle, a determined glint shining in her eyes. As soon as she stood in front of him, her fingers latched to the collar of his shirt and she pulled him forward without any warning.

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