Chapter eight: First Signs

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A few days later...

Adrien's POV

The wind blew through our hair, sending it in every which way. Marinette and I was sitting on the balcony above the front doors of the student lounge. She wasn't acting her normal self, and I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but I could never get the courage to ask.

She sighed quietly as she glanced down.

"Mari? You okay?" I ask, and look over at her. She nods silently.

"I'm fine."

Those two words were a total lie. When ever a girl, or anyone for that matter, tells you they're fine, they aren't. Ever.

I place a hand on her shoulder and furrow my brows.

"Marinette, you know you can tell me anything, right?" I ask, and she nods.

"I know, but there's nothing to tell."

I nod, and move my hand. Just drop it, Adrien. She doesn't want to talk about it, and even if she did, she surely would have brought it up. As much as I don't want to worry about it, I can't help myself. I'm just a worrisome person, and I care a lot about her.

The small breeze soon turned into a full blown out wind, making it difficult to see. We both stood up and went back inside, greeting the others in the room.

"Hey, Adrien! Wanna play a game of pool?" Lucas asked as he looked up from his girlfriend. I finally got the chance to meet Eileen, and how that went, was pretty badly.


"Hi, I'm Eileen!" She chirped and outstretched her hand. I lightly took it and shook.

"Nice to meet you, Eileen. I'm Adrien." The smile on her face faded as she heard my name.

"Adrien?" I nod, worried. "As in Adrien Agreste?" I nod again, and she scoffs.

"Looks like I've finally met you, I'm Marinette's roommate. She's told me all about you."

I gulp. "R-really? That's g-great!" I stutter and force a smile. I felt like I was sweating bullets, and I was sure she could tell.

She smirked and crossed her arms. "Yeah, it is." She walked closer to me, coming face-to-face with me. "And if you ever hurt her again," She paused. "I'll make sure that you're never happy, ever again." She whispered and backed away.

She began to laugh, trying to play it off as a joke. I laugh nervously, not knowing what to do next.

"Oh, I'm just messing with you." She patted my shoulder playfully.

"No, but seriously, if you hurt her, I'll hurt you." She smiled again and turned around. I choke and cough up a bit. She walks out of the room, with a giggle. She seems.... Nice? I don't know, but I do know to not get on her bad side. It definitely won't end well for me.


"Uh, no, I'm good." I politely decline his offer and watch as Marinette leaves the room. I look back at Lucas and Eileen, who were looking right at me. Eileen shot me a glare.

"What did you do?" She asked. "You didn't hurt her again, did you?" She hissed.

"No, I didn't do anything." I look down at the floor. "But something's wrong with her, I just don't know what."

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure she'll be fine." Lucas hit the white cue ball with his cue stick, sending a few of the others in different directions.

"I don't know, she seems a little... depressed, like someone told her something that she didn't want to hear." I respond and sit down in a chair.

"You need to bring it out of her." Eileen suggested. I shrugged. "I don't think she wants to talk about it."

"She might if she knew that you wanted to help her. The first signs are always the worst." Eileen joined and sat in the chair next to me, as Lucas hit the cue ball again, shooting it straight into the pocket.

"Damnit!" He cursed under his breath. "You'll never know if you don't ask her." He chimed in, walking to the corresponding side of the table to retrieve the cue ball.

"Yeah, a good relationship involves good communications skills." Eileen added.

"You two seem to miss the fact that Marinette and I aren't dating." I say.

"What!?" Lucas looked up, shocked. "I thought you were."

I shake my head. "What gave you that impression?"

"Oh I don't know, that the fact you two hang out almost every single day. It just seemed to fit." He shrugged and dropped the ball onto the table.

"We don't hang out every day." I chuckle.

"Please, you two are together every minute of every day. It's only inevitable before you two come to your senses and go out." Eileen patted my shoulder and smiled warmly.

"Are you actually smiling at me, or are you thinking about where to hide my body after you kill me?" I joke.

"I don't have to think about that, I already have the perfect spot." She removes her hand and looks at Lucas.

"And Lucas will be my alibi."

"Wait, what?" He accidentally shoots the cue stick, sending the cue ball into the air and landing on Eileen's lap. She quickly jumped up and held the ball, aiming it for his head. He ducked, in fear.

"Never mind, Marinette will be my alibi. You'll be in the ground with him." She placed the ball back on the table and sat down again. Lucas stood up and smiled.

"Oh you know you love me!" Lucas gave her a cheeky smile, and she rolled her eyes.

"I don't know, some days I wonder what I ever seen in you." She jokes. He places a hand on his chest, for dramatic affect and his jaw slightly drops.

"Betch!" He started laughing and continued to play his solo game of pool.

She shook her head at him, and turned back to me.

"Adrien, as a person who kind of likes you and kind of hates you, I'm telling you to talk to her, and slowly ease it out of her."

"Ha, that's what sh--" Eileen glared at him, causing him to stop mid sentence.

"I, uh, mean, she's right. Do what she said." He scratches his head sheepishly.

"Okay, I'll go talk to her." I stand up from the chair, and stretch my legs. "Thanks Eileen." I thank her.

"No problem, just helping out my best friend's lov--- I mean other friend!" She quickly covers her mouth and laughs.

"I'll see you guys later." I wave and walk out. Before I had left the thresh hold, I over heard them talking quietly.

"Does she still have love him?" I heard Lucas ask, as two balls clanked together.

"She does, but I can't tell him that. He still thinks that she wants nothing to do with him." Eileen responds, sighing.

Did I hear her correctly? Marinette still loves me... No, no that can't be right, she told me that she only wanted to be friends, not that she loved me. Maybe she was lying to keep me out of the loop...

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and began to walk down the stairs, leading out of the student lounge. Maybe I could ask her about it once she tells me what's wrong.



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