Chapter twenty-one: Marry Me, Here And Now

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{A/N: If you get the reference to the title, you get two thumbs up! XD}

Their eyes met instantly, both hearts beating at a rapid pace. Once she had said his name in shock, the entire room went silent. Everyone's jaws had touched the floor except three people; Eileen, Mason, and... Marinette.

Even though Alya knew he would be coming back to interrupt the whole wedding, she didn't quite believe it until the boy was standing right in front of her. She wanted to run over to him and instead of hugging him, she wanted to smack him across the face for leaving her best friend behind but deep down, Alya knew he had a good reason... he had to... It's not like the boy wasn't head over heels for Marinette, anyone could tell from a mile away. Adrien was crazily in love with Marinette  just like Marinette was crazily in love with Adrien... it was meant to be for them... it was fate... But it just so happened to be fate that tore them apart five years ago.

While she cried on Alya's shoulders after arriving home for break, Marinette knew deep down that he was still alive. There was no reason for people to think he wasn't, all anyone knew about his case was that he simply disappeared. The case slowly went cold as the months went by, no one gaining a bit of information about his whereabouts. No one except Eileen. The girl would never admit that she knew all along, it would break her heart to tell Marinette that she knew the truth while Marinette sat in their dorm room alone, tears streaming down her cheeks. Let's just say that the truth has a funny way of coming to the surface.

As Marinette and Adrien stared at one another, the scar on the back of Marinette's neck started to sting, an occasional thing that happened since the wound wasn't treated properly after she was discharged (mainly because Marinette wouldn't take the time to address it, worrying and stressing over the well-being of Adrien). Her hand reached back to stroke a finger over the light pink flesh. Marinette had picked up the habit of touching the scar whenever Adrien was mentioned, which seemed to be more frequent these days.

"Marinette, I can explain everything, just please... listen?" Adrien's blonde brows creased worryingly as he stared at the bluenette.

Without hesitation or a single word, the bouquet that was once held tightly fell to the floor as Marinette ran forward, her arms latching together behind Adrien's neck.

"I knew it!" She whispered, nestling her head in the crook of his neck. "I knew you'd come back."

With a bittersweet smile attacking his lips, Adrien gently hugged the girl back but only for a few seconds. He pulled her arms away and placed his hands onto her shoulders, looking into her blue eyes.

"Marinette, listen, as much as I have waited for this reunion, it can't happen just yet."

Marinette's smile disappeared after letting his words settle. Her arms fell to her sides as she stared at Adrien in bewilderment.

"W-why not?" She said simply.

The blonde let out a sigh before closing his eyes, his grip on Marinette's shoulders tightening a bit. "I need to say this before anything else happens."

"Say what—"

She was interrupted as Adrien pulled away and walked up to the altar. Marinette spun around to face him while Adrien faced Mason.

"Mason, there aren't enough words to say as a thank you. You've helped me in so many ways and I greatly appreciate your friendship." The two boys— men— grinned at one another before Adrien turned to the audience. (If you can't tell, Mason doesn't talk much XD)

"I know you were all expecting a wedding between Marinette and Mason but if it's all right with you," he turned to Sabine and Tom. "To Marinette's parents," Adrien spun towards Eileen and Alya. "And the bridesmaids, I'd like for you all to stay and witness," Adrien paused and looked down at Marinette, a smile forming on his lips. He held out a hand and once she took it with her own, he pulled her forward to his chest. "Our wedding." Marinette gulped as she gazed into his jade orbs, slowly becoming lost in them.

"Adrien, what are you saying?" She asked, her voice a soft whisper.

"I may have lied to you in the past about nonsense things, kiss you a few times but never admit how I felt until it was too late, and leave you hanging when you were injured... but I promise you Marinette, that I will love you until the day I die. You are the most important thing in my entire life and I wouldn't trade you for anything. So, will you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng marry me?"

It took a few good seconds for her to process all his words but once she gained a good grip on them, she instantly knew her answer.

"As much as I'd love to yell out 'yes', I can't." The crowd audibly gasped.

"You can't?"

She shook her head. "No, because you have so much to explain and before I give you my answer, I need to know the truth. All of it."

Adrien nodded, understanding. "You deserve nothing but the truth."

Marinette smiled and pulled away from the embrace even though it took all the willpower she had. "Mason," The black-ette glanced up from staring at the floor.

"Y-yes Marinette?"

"Thank you. If it weren't for you, I don't think I would've ever come out of my shell. You were the one who pushed me to explore the hidden boundaries inside my head. You taught me that waiting for the one you love would be worth it in the end, and if you're patient enough and know that the feelings you have are real, they'll come back."

Mason grinned at the girl as she stepped closer. He pulled her into a hug and whispered in her ear. "Don't thank me, thank him."

"W-what do you mean?" She stuttered.

"It was his idea. Don't worry, he'll explain it all."

Their hug ended moments later. Mason looked over at Adrien and nodded, who in return gave a nod himself. Marinette turned to face the blonde once again, the whites of her eyes turning pink. She was on the brink of crying and had no idea how long she'd have before tears rolled down her cheeks.

"C'mon, lets go somewhere private. We can talk then."

Marinette nodded and reached for his hand. She was happy to have him back but a piece of her was still doubting if what happened really happened. She could feel him physically and see him emotionally but there was something still off and as they excused themselves from the venue and began to walk towards the doors, that missing piece she thought she lost cane stumbling back, fitting perfectly with the others; Marinette had her Adrien back... and he wanted to marry her today...

Oh God, Adrien Agreste, her all time crush wanted to marry her! She almost fainted thinking about Adrien and her kissing for the first time as husband and wife but did her best to hide the fact that she was weak in the knees.
{A/N: Only one more chapter!!! I'm still debating if this should turn into a series... 🤔}


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