Chapter five: Is It Too Late?

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Marinette's POV

"Do you... Do you still love me?" He asked, quickly shifting his gaze to the ground.

What was I going to say? I did still love him, but was I really? It'd be best to lie and hide my feelings rather than tell the truth and get hurt all over again. As much as I wanted to have him, I couldn't, and it was ripping my heart into a million pieces.

"Adrien, I..." My voice trailed off as he looked back at me.

"I still have feelings for you, but I wouldn't call it love. I'm not even sure I know what love is."

"But I can show you what it is." He grabs my hand, but I pull away.

"I'm glad you want to show me, and that you still care about me bu---"

"I will always care about you." He interrupts.

I stood there, looking at him.

Why was love so confusing? All I've ever wanted was for Adrien to look at me the way I always looked at him, and now that he is, it's a little over whelming.

What was I going to say to him? What could I say?

"Look, I know that I let you down, that I led you on, but I never meant to hurt you, Mari. You have no idea how much I wanted to call you over the summer, but I couldn't and you deserve an explanation, but I don't have one, I just don't." He's lying, I can tell by the look in his eyes.

I didn't even realize that I was crying until Adrien pulled me into a hug. Tears fell down my cheeks as he looked down at me.

"Is it too late to say sorry?"

My eyes close as I let out a small whimper. I know what I have to do...

I re-open my eyes, a few tears falling out.

"I need time..."

He nodded, understanding.

"Take all the time you need. I'll be right here when you're ready..."

I smile.

"Thank you, Adrien."

Without thinking, I pulled him into a hug. He hugged back. I knew that he didn't want to let go, and I didn't either. But I had to, as much as it hurt, I had to.

I finally let go and backed up, holding onto both of my arms. We looked at each other once more before I turned around and bent down to pick up my bag and books.

Adrien knelt down beside me and helped me with my books. I slung my bad on my shoulder. Adrien handed me my books. I took them and we stood there awkwardly.

I flashed a quick smile, then turned and left. Don't look back, Marinette, don't look back...


It was around 9:30 when Eileen came back from her date with her long term boyfriend.

They stood at the door, giggling together softly. I smiled at how cute they were. I've never really met Eileen's boyfriend, I didn't even know his name.

Eileen turned around and looked at me. The look on her face made me feel uneasy, so I got up out of bed and walked over to her.

"Yes?" I said before she could speak. A smile creeps onto her face.

"Marinette, I would like to introduce you to Lucas, my boyfriend." She uses her hand to move the door so I could see him better. He flashed me a quick smile and I returned the favour.

"Hi, I'm Lucas." He stuck out his hand.

"Marinette, nice to meet you." I took his hand with mine and slightly shook.

Eileen squealed in joy. "Oh this is great! My best friend has finally met my boyfirend!" She jumped up and down, excited.

I smiled and noticed Lucas looking at me. I raised an eye brow.

"Are you okay?" He snaps back when he heard my voice, causing him to jolt where he was standing.

"Yeah, uh, do you know, and Adrien?"

Adrien.... I nodded slowly, forcing a smile.

"Yeah, we went to secondary school, why?"

"I thought you looked familiar. He's been talking about you non-stop." He chuckled. I laughed nervously, trying not to sound suspicious.


He nods. "Oh yeah, ever since we first met, he's mentioned you countless amounts of times. He's practically in love with you."

My cheeks felt hot.  Eileen stepped in between us. She whispered to him.

"Don't mention Adrien to her, she might freak out."

"Oh, my bad." He whispered back. "I'm sorry, Marinette. I didn't know." I shake my head.

"It's fine." He nods and looks back at Eileen.

I turn around and walk back to my bed, plopping down on top of the comforter.
The door closed and my bed dipped in. I felt a hand on my back.

"I'm really sorry, Mari. He didn't mean to bring it up."

"I told you, Eileen, it's fine." I sat up. "I'm fine." She looked at me.

"Did you see him today?"

Eileen knew exactly what I was trying to say, without me even saying it. I nod.

"I did."

"How did it go?"

I sigh. "I confronted him for lying, he apologized, and we hugged..." I recalled what happened hours earlier.

"So you forgave him?"

"No." I shake my head. "I told him that I needed time."

"Oh." She looks away.

"What should I do?" I ask and look up at her. She turns back to me.

"What do you think you should do?"

I shrug. "I don't know."

"What is your heart telling you?"

"That I should forgive him because I still love him..."

"What about your head?"

"To run away and never look back..."

"Marinette, this is your choice. What ever you decide will work out in the end. Things may seem like they're going down in a spiral, but it's just a bump in the road that you can overcome, you just need to figure out if you want someone to join you or go solo."

Her words went straight to my heart, tearing it even more. I knew what I had to do all along, I was just blinded by his presence.

"Thank you, Eileen." I hug her side.

"No problem." She chuckles and hugs me back.

I won't let this go on any further. It has to come to an end. And it ends tonight, no matter what the out come is, I will never regret this. Ever.


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