Chapter thirteen: Growing Up

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Three weeks later...

Marinette's POV
That kiss... I couldn't explain it, but something about it was... Right. Cat Noir left moments after, due to his Miraculous running low. He promised that he would see me again soon.

Adrien and I, oh God where do I begin with that? It's so awkward to talk to him now, almost as if I took a time machine back to freshman year. But the thing is, I wasn't the one acting awkward, he was. I didn't know why or how he became so awkward, but I found it incredibly cute. He acted like a little kid around me; he would always blush like crazy if I touched him or looked at him. Maybe I've done something wrong, besides the fact that I starved myself. Or maybe he's got a crush, which I highly doubt.

I was sitting in my dorm, alone. Eileen and Lucas went out to celebrate their fifth year anniversary. I didn't mind being alone, it gave me time to think about things and sort them out. Which is one of the reasons why my mind wandered to the last time I spoke with Tikki.
"Tikki!" I exclaimed as I seen my red kwami fly up to me. She sadly waved, avoiding my gaze. It was a few days before graduation, and I could tell something was wrong.

I furrowed a brow as she landed on my desk.

"Tikki, what's wrong?" I fumbled over to her, and knelt down.

She let out a small sigh before looking at me, tears stinging her eyes.

"Marinette, there's no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to say it." She looked down at the floor.

"You're not Ladybug anymore."

My eyes went wide as the words processed in my brain.

"Not Ladybug? What do you mean?" I ask, my voice slightly trembling.

"You're graduating in a couple of days, which means your growing up and you don't need me anymore."

"But I do, Tikki! I need you more now than ever!" I pleaded, not wanting her to continue.

"But you don't, Marinette." She looks up. "You've already learned everything you need as Ladybug, which means another Ladybug needs to be chosen."

I couldn't take it anymore, I let the tears flow down my face and I shut my eyes.

"Does that mean I can't see you anymore?" I ask quietly. She nods.

"It does, but I won't ever forget you, Marinette. I promise."

I nod. "I won't either. Thank you, Tikki." She smiles and flies up to me, giving me a small kiss on the nose.

"Goodbye, Marinette. May peace be with you."

"I love you, Tikki." I smiled and wiped a few tears.

"I love you too, Mar."

We gave each other one last hug before she flew away. And that was the last time I would ever see her.
I had no clue on who the new Ladybug was, but thinking about it made me wonder about Cat Noir. He was still the same person, so why hasn't his kwami left yet?

A sudden knock on my window brought me out of my thoughts. I slowly stood from my bed, stretching a little. I walked over to the window and opened it. I couldn't tell what flew in, since it was quick, but my eyes caught the color red.

I turned on my heel, and that's when I seen her. It was Tikki. My mouth fell agape, and my hands began to tremble.

"Before you say anything," she spoke. "You need to know that Cat Noir is in trouble."

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