Chapter 12. Am i that bad?

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Riley's point of view
(Picture of Seth above)

I giggled running away from Seth as fast as possible in the stilts I was wearing as shoes. I saw Shay flirting up a storm with Nate outside near the pool. I should warn her he's a player but she probably knows , and she is drunk anyway the way she tilting.

I rush over to her bashing into Nate on the way nearly knocking him over.

"Hey girrrl" shay slurred.

"Hi we gotta talk" I rush pulling her away from Nate.

"Hey " she pouts sternly stamping her foot"i was talking to that hottie". I rolled my eyes at shay who was weirdly wiggling her eyebrows at Nate .

"Okay " I laugh "that's enough, oh and by the way who's Seth Johnson?"

"Only the hottest bad boy at our current school" she screeched."but he like doesn't talk to anyone outside his "gang" #annoying" she giggled .

"Um shay he talked to me, actually let me rephrase that he tried to kiss me."


"Jesus shay shut up" I screamed laughing.

"OMG did you kiss him back?well like obviously you did it's Seth Johnson you would be insane not to like come on who wouldn't?!"shay rambled.

I just stood there awkwardly waiting for her to finish just nodding my head like.....same.

She stopped! I looked up to a worried expression? "You didn't did you? You didn't kiss him!"

"Yeah ya see I didnt" I replied taking a step back from shay.

" I'm going to kill you "she said through gritted teeth.

"No thanks?" I mumbled.

"Come on ,let's go" shay said pulling me behind her.

"Um.. Where are we going ?" I ask.

"To Seth" was all I heard.


"Hey " I said sheepishly to a drunk Seth .

"I f found " he slurred with a smirk.

"Yeah I'm happy for you" I said rolling my eyes trying to end the conversation as I begin walking away.

So shay left . Thanks .

I was alone with.... Seth. Ughh okay.

" hi I'm Riley and you are?" I say sweetly.

"Um babe we already met?"

"I'm sorry I just moved here" I stated innocently.

"I know" he spoke slightly swaying coming closer.

"But babe your smokin hot" he said with a wink.

Okay no I am not kissing this drunk boy. Gooooodbye.

Here I go again.

"Seth" I said slurring .

"Come here , closer"

I waited as he practically came running god I love myself

I pulled him closer as a smirk spread across his chiselled face .I leant up facing him now. I began to lean in our breaths mixing . He closed his eyes and and..... And I disappeared.

I felt bad but he was drunk so he probably won't remember it anyway and I'm a bitch. So I ran into the sunset away from my prince, but realistically I ran into a load of sweaty desperate teenagers away from a drunk one . How charming eh?


Seths point of view

I saw her coming unwillingly but still coming towards me being pulled by her friend. She looked stunning. I swayed a bit feeling woozy from the cans of alcohol I had consumed . She stopped in front of me and I saw her friend disappear.

"Hi I'm Riley and you are?" She said innocently even though I knew she was playing.

"Um babe , we already met?" I slurred.

"I'm sorry I just moved here" she stated as if it was a well known fact I laughed eternally but not externally I had to keep my reputation . God.

"I know , but babe your smokin hot " I smirked adding a wink.

"Seth " she slurred with puppy dog eyes.

"Come here,closer " she whispered.

I feel nearly collapsing on top of her.

She leant in closer the small gap between us slightly. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again she was no where to be seen.

Oh god . I don't even know this girl yet she drives me crazy.

Is it bad I had to pretend I was more drunk then I was just to talk to her with confidence as I usually do to other girls no bother?

Is it bad I didn't have enough confidence to show her and everyone who I really am?

Is it all bad? Or am I ?

Help .

I think as I drift back to the reality of my bad boy exterior and drunk ass friends.

Am I really that bad?

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