Chapter 3. The Smiths

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Hey guys this is a picture of Riley hope you like this chapter !!
The heat hit me heavily as I stepped out of the plane and walked down the steep stairs finally back onto solid ground,it felt as if it was getting warmer as we walked through security and out of the airport into the car park following Vanessa.

We walked until we got to a black hummer sized vehicle, as we approached it a gorgeous looking boy got out of the car and made his way over too us. He had brown hair and deep brown eyes that could melt you , so basically let me just tell you he was beautiful.

"Hey honey, "Vanessa mumbled before wrapping her arms around him for a hug. "Hi mom," he said with a tone that sounded as if he was embarrassed but he smiled and hugged her back. Once they pulled apart , he turned to me and introduced himself " Hey it's nice to meet you, you must be Riley , I'm Mason." he said lifting up his hand for me to shake. In a panic , I just high fived him side -ways and cringed " hi , I'm Riley " repeating my name although he clearly already knew it " no offence but I thought that you were in England , " I asked curiously. "I was but I'm home for a month on break"he replied. "Cool, " I said casually"I'm 17 by the way."while getting into the car. "oh cool, so we are close enough in age , I'm 19"he says."yeah,i know"i say by accident but it's kinda creepy and then I make it really obvious by putting my hand to my forehead and gasp quite loudly and slowly."I'm tired " I say to distract Mason. "oh,okay you can sit in the back on one of the couches and go to sleep its a two hour drive so get comfy and my advice would be to go to sleep because my brothers are a massively annoying group of people to be around when your tired" he says before smirking at me" I know from experience."

When I got in the car I went straight to the comfiest looking couch in the hummer which was at the back. I watched the city and town life of California pass by me , but before ten minutes had passed I was fast asleep as I was tired from the plane journey and from being in a coma surprisingly.

When I woke up we were passing through a forest with only a small narrow road, at that moment the little narrow road lead to a bright opening, with a pair of huge gates that were opened at the end of the road. As we got closer , I noticed a little sign saying "Smith manor" I opened my mouth in shock. they must be loaded to have a lane named after them and to live in a manor. "Wow,"I said still numbed with shock. Mason turned around to me and grinned, an extremely handsome grin by the way and spoke quietly "I think you will like it here," and he turned back to drive into my new home.

As we pulled into the driveway in front of the huge house that stood next to us, I could see a  running track and I got super excited and decided I was going to go for a run straight away when I unpacked. I got out of the car and followed Vanessa around to the back of the house and into the back garden, the moment I turned the corner of the house I saw a glistening clear blue pool that was about ten metres in length and about six in width. I walked carefully along the edge of the pool as to not fall in and continued following Vanessa down to the back of their garden. When Vanessa finally stopped I saw 12 boys playing American football, most of them were joking and messing but they we all so insanely hot although the younger ones were more cute. " Boys , can all of you come here please", as if all at the same time they came jogging over to us and stopped about one metre away. "This is Riley, she will be staying here with us no questions asked, so make her welcome ,and I must go shopping for dinner , so Riley I'll leave you here to bond with the boys till I come back,  so sorry about this Riley I should only be about an hour or two if that's okay with you?" I nodded quickly and with that Vanessa walked back up towards the house leaving me to face 12 boys by myself. They introduced themselves to me and vice versa, and then they went back to playing there football game. I watched for a while and then decided that I wanted to join in , when it got to half time I went up to Conner and asked if I could play he said it was no bother and I could be our quarterback that was where I played at home so it was perfectly fine with me. On my team there was Ryan , Conner , me , Tyler , Blake , Max and Sammy. I liked our team they were all really nice and fun to talk to, but the other team had all the "players"on it. This was going to be fun.although the pain from my legs was insane I decided to play anyway after taking a dose of heavy painkillers.

When half time finally ended, I had convinced my team I was good at football which was true, but the other team were all like "she's a girl ,she can't play", but Ryan told them to shut up. Then Lucas who I new was 18 a football quarterback and had a girlfriend shouted across the field at me " hey girl, you can't play". "Why?are you to scared of losing to a girl?"I shouted back . "No , but like we can't touch you" he yelled seeming quiet annoyed at me. "Why , do I have cooties or something?" I said in a clearly annoyed voice, and few sniggers went around. "it.... ugh it doesn't matter" he said sighing loudly. "okay "Conner shouted before blowing a whistle and the game started.

When the game was over all the guys were taking about how good I was at football and I could see Lucas going redder and redder by the minute , we were walking back up to the house to shower before dinner . I was still annoyed that Lucas had judged me so quickly but I decided to try and fix the new found awkwardness between us by running up to him and jumping on his back. He was surprised at first by the sudden attack but after getting his grip he carried me up to the house and we were chatting away like long lost friends well not really but we didn't hate each other anymore that's good right?

Once I was back inside I decided to unpack and then go for a shower , I was all sticky and just really wanted to unpack my stuff I managed to get Mason and Lucas to help get my multiple suitcases up the two flights of stairs. When we got to the third floor Mason spoke first"okay so this is your room "he said pointing at a door on the right at the very end of the hallway. "And Lucas's room is the one across from you , also if you need anything my room is the third door down on your right." By the time that Mason had stopped talking Lucas had left,Mason gave me an award winning grin before adding "I'll leave you to explore your room in peace" and then turned and left, leaving me standing outside my door alone . I slowly opened my door and I was amazed at the room, I'm going to live California!


So sorry for ending in a weird place ...I have such a good idea for the next chapter please comment and tell me what you think pleaseeeee!and thank you !oh and for the people who had already read this chapter I changed the pic of Riley sorry!

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