A Disturbing Discovery

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As I look out the cockpit window, I see Yavin before me.

“We can’t land anywhere. They’re going to blow our ships to pieces!”

“The cadet is right. I’ll fly to the Capital Building and make a distraction. It should keep them busy enough for you to land on the roof.  You know what to do R-3,” I command. As my droid now takes control of the ship, I prepare to jump onto the building. “Get close to the windows, I sense Ran is there. On my mark, three, two, one! Now!” I jump out of my ship and through the windows of the large Capital Building. I somersault into a landing. I stand up confidently, now catching everyone’s attention.  “Hello everyone!”

Nearly about everyone inside the building aim whatever weapon they could possibly possess at me.

“Hold your fire! I’m disappointed. Is this any way to treat guests?”

You guessed it; Ran himself was standing right in front of me now. I ignite my light saber and point it at his neck. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t kill you right now,” I coldly say.

“A Jedi. Well, that wouldn’t be any fun now would it? And besides, I have something better in mind.”

He smirks as he pulls out a light saber and ignites it’s deadly, red blade. He’s the Sith lord Scorch was talking about. He said that a Sith lord was bond to return, with an apprentice, so I should keep my eyes open.

“You’re the Sith lord. I should have known.” All he does is smile in response. I swing my blade against his, the crackle of energy lighting up the room. Blows and blows, I swing and block. We are in a full light saber lock when I hear my squad come bursting in, with reinforcements. The entire room lights up with blasts coming from every single direction. We continue to fight. Ran coming on strong, but I am stronger.  When he finally realizes that he is outnumbered and close to death, he calls out, “Fall back! Retreat!”

He Force pushes me to my friends behind me, causing them to hold their fire. Then, enemy gunships swoop in, and just like that, he is gone. “Blast!” He escaped! “Scorch, we successfully made contact. However, they escaped. Should we engage?”

“No,” My Master replies,” Hold position. Finish off anyone who maybe still be there and secure the area. We need to have some type of a base. Wait for further orders.”

“Yes Master,” I reply. “Delta Squad, I want a full search of the area. Disable any cameras or threats to security. We’ll be here a while.”

Well, at least I had a fight with a real enemy this time. I sigh as I take another look out the window, seeing Ran’s fleeing ship. Well, if we are going to be here, I guess I better start helping with the emergency precautions. But before I go, “Mark this day Ran, for I will find you, and when I do, you’ll die from by my light saber.” I communicated to him through the Force. I grin as I feel his fear over come all thoughts. I will get my revenge, no matter what it takes.

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