A New Hope

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Weeks of training. Weeks and weeks of training. Constant days of practice of the Force. First, my exercises; I would take a run around the village. Then, I would do fifty sit ups and fifty pull ups. A lot of work for a girl.  Then, I would learn how to use the Force. I would learn how to levitate objects, perform mind tricks, or to crush and move objects. Finally, at the end of the day, I would work on dueling. I would always duel each of the three different Jedi in different locations. Always during my training dueling sessions, I would see Camilia observing me train. But that isn’t the only person I would see. About one week after I started training, I would always see a boy watching me. He looks about seventeen, and is very cute. In fact, he is actually pretty hot. I hope one day I will get to talk to him. Sadly, I cannot focus on boys right now. I have to focus on trying to save a whole planet full of people. Nice right?

“Good fighting, Atarah. And I have some good news for you. We’ve talked and I think you are ready to make your light saber. Meet right in front of that hill right there at the crack of dawn. I’m very proud of you.” I bow to Scorch, my Master, and then I go back to my new hut. It’s been my temporary home here on Tarus.

“Guess what R3? I’m going to make a light saber!” He beeps happily in response.

“Hey, nice fighting over there.”

“Ahhh!” I scream in shock. It’s that guy again. He has green eyes and dark brown hair. He is hot! He’s here? In my house! What should I say? I just stay quiet and stare into his deep, green eyes.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to stop by and say, me…uh, everyone is very thankful of what you are doing. You are very brave.”

“Well, uh, thank you…”

“Carth. You can call me Carth.”

“Thank you Carth. Ya, it’s not like everyday you are called to save the world and stuff.” Man, I must sound so stupid right now. When he’s next to me, I can’t even think straight.

“Ha-ha. Well, I just wanted to say hi. I hope I see you around sometime.”

“Bye Carth.” Wow. That was, amazing. “Well, goodnight R3. See you in the morning.”


“Hi Atarah! I was called here to help you build a light saber?”

Him! Carth knows how to make light sabers? I get to spend the whole day with Carth? “I guess so. Let’s get started!” This day just can’t get any better!

   First, we hike up the mountain. Then, he takes out all the bits and pieces out of his backpack.

“Well, first pick out the components that you want. I’ll get your light saber crystal in that cave over there. What color do you want?”

“Green, please. Thank you Carth.” First I pick out sleek components that not only look nice, but let me have a good grip. I just don’t know how to put them together.

“Need help?” He approaches me, and sits right next to me. Then, he puts both his muscular arms around me and slips the components together with ease.

“Thank you.” At first, I we just stare into each other’s eyes. Next thing I know we are kissing.  Then, he just gets up, hands me the light saber, and leaves without another word. I stare into the fire as many emotions come upon me. Passion, joy, and (strangely) relief. I feel as if a hole that was once missing has been filled, but now a heavy task has replaced it. Finally I have someone who I can relate to and make me feel happy again. But I also have another life I need to protect.

"With every life, death. With every sorrow, joy. With every new thing made, a sacrifice must be taken. This you must remember.”

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