The Beginning

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“Three minutes until Ran gets what's coming to him!," I say. Then R3-Q5, an astromech droid, angrily responds with a series of repeated, high-pitched beeps. “I know its dangerous R-3 but I have to have my revenge! And I don't want mom to die in vain. Ready, three, two, one!" As I run away from the landing platform, I hear a large boom. But, in that instant, three police speeders and Ran Clargin's ship appears hovering above me. It is on fire, but not enough to be burned to ashes. In that instant, I sprint towards the back alley way but it is blocked by police droids.
“Come out with your hands up!" Suddenly, I am grabbed by police droids, put in an energy binder, and taken into custody.

As I sit there, in my cell many thoughts run through my head. Are they going to kill me? Surely Ran Clargin would want my head on his desk. For what I've done he would probably carry out the sentence himself. But just that same moment the slime himself walks towards my cell. I cannot tell whether he has a light sword or blaster pistol in his hand. When Ran banished the Jedi, Ran took their sense of weapons technology too. Now instead of a light saber, he and other officials have a light sword. Tsssch! The crackle of the energy bars comes to a stop and then he walks in. It’s the same man that killed my mother. He has a strange look on his face. Like, in a strange way, he is happy. Last time I remember he was a tall bluish-green human like alien with the most evil, yellow eyes. He hasn't changed much, but he has a tattoo on his arm of a hawk surrounded by fire. “Well, well, well. What do we have here? Another Rebel I see? Do you how much damage you caused to the city of Yavin? To the Capitol? Many people are outraged!"

"It's a pity. I thought I would do a greater good to society by wiping out the slime that made them slaves," I say.

"Oh, Atarah. You will always be like your mother. Blinded by your ignorance, you fail to see true pow..."

With that statement, I kick him in the face. Hard. No one, especially Ran is allowed to talk about her like that. Then he kicks me in the stomach and storms out with anger. I fall over on the floor with pain. Well, now I know he will arrange my execution to be in at least an hour. “I have to get out of here!" I think to myself. Suddenly, I came up with a brilliant idea. If I pressed my energy binders against the energy of the cell bars, they would over heat and fade away. But, if not done carefully, it could cut off both of my hands. “It’s a risk I'm going to have to take." I say to myself. As I carefully press the energy binders against each other, the energy of both devices fades away. “I’m free!" I shout out loud.

“Not so fast. Halt and walk to your cell. Now!" The police droid commands.  Blast! They must have heard me! There’s only one thing I can do.
"Not this time because I'm freeeeee..." I jump from the platform and land on box of uniforms, thank goodness. Then, I sprint to the landing platform, ship in sight. But the droids are firing at me. Then, I a squad of troopers block the door. I know I'm doomed. I dodge the laser bolts and with quick thinking, slide underneath the Captain and jump into my ship. I fly to my hideout on the top of an abandoned building and rescue my companion R-3.Then, fly out of the atmosphere. The police speeders were chasing me, but their ships aren’t designed to fly in space.  I took their last Star Cruiser.

"Good to have you back R-3! I was missing you in jail." He beeps happily in response. But he beeps again.
" Well, I don't exactly know where we're going, but I do have a good place in mind."

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