My Final Stand

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I love you Carth. I will miss you R3. Master, I’ve failed you. All I’ve done is ruin everything. Many are dead, many, out of hope. Before I confront Ran, I wish to meditate first. To get in the right state of mind before I, well, you know. After walking for quite a distance, I decide to walk into a small forest, just so I can clear my head. As I walk through the trees, I see someone in the distance. It looks like, it can’t be! Standing before me is my mother! Tears streaming down my face, I run towards her and give her a big hug. But, I’m not hugging anything. “What is this? Who is playing this trick on me?”

“it’s not a trick. Atarah, I am so proud of you. You have been so strong and you don’t even realize it!” My mom says.

It must be her ghost. How long I have waited for this day, to communicate with my mother. Just then, a ghostly shadow of my father appears. “Dad?”

“Yes Atarah. We are so proud of you! You don’t know how much we miss you!”

“I don’t understand. Why did they choose me? They knew I would fail like this!”

“You haven’t failed Atarah. You have only gotten stronger. I miss you so much!” To my surprise, Camilia says. “Don’t die out there, ok? Promise me that. It’s not your time yet. Oh, and one more thing. Take care of them. Carth, Boggs, and Bella. Goodbye.”

“Wait! Camilia!” Before they all can answer, they all disappear, without another word.

What just happened? Before putting anymore thought into it, I decide to continue my journey to defeat Ran. After walking and walking, I finally get to the coordinates of Ran’s hideout. A regular sized building, made to blend in with the rest in the city.

I throw up my grappling hook up to a window, and tug on it so it can lift me up. When I finally reach the level on which Ran is on, I unhook my belt and take out my light saber.  I take a deep breath, to calm my nerves. Then, I thrust my light saber through the glass and slowly, make a circle so I can crawl in through it. Once in, I see Ran, his evil yellow eyes fixed on me. “It’s all over!”

“Atarah, let me must say, you do know how to make quite an entrance. Guards, be gone. I want to take out the trash myself,” he replies.

I thrust my light saber as hard as I can at him, causing him to stumble backwards. Then, I keep on striking him, blow after blow. Occasionally, I block so of his thrusts, but I am too strong. Fixed with anger and rage. Sadness and hurt. I must do this for the New Republic! But just then, a monitor blinks up, and displays a security alert. Our soldiers have come to attack. Carth must have sent them here. Then, the monitors goes blank with static. Someone must have shot it.

“How pathetic! The hero’s friends to the rescue. They will die, just like you, and anybody else who stands in my way!”

“Not if I have anything to say about it!” I say as I thrust my light saber towards him. Suddenly, he kicks me backwards. I stubble as I fall to the ground. He is about to slice my head off when I hop up and push him, miscalculating how much force I use. We both fall through the glass and are now free falling down the building. I try to use the Force to grab on to something, or to at least lessen my fall, but Ran grabs on to my leg, and when both fall on the hard, unforgiving ground.

I try to get up, but I can’t find the strength to. I can’t even breathe, and my heart is racing. Suddenly, Ran grabs me and picks me up by the neck, choking me. He is using the Force to crush the life out of me.  Blood drips down my head and neck. Whoosh! I am dropped on the hard ground again. I see Ran, lying on the floor in agony, with a familiar arrow in his side. It is Bella, along with Janson and Carth. Just when I think it is all over, a large group of enemy soldiers knock out Carth, put Janson in energy binders, and grab Bella.

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