Chapter 1

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Toby grunted and rolled over.

"Toby Rogers, if we're both late for your wedding, (Y/N) is gonna be pissed!"

Toby waved a lazy hand at his elfish friend and yawned. It was so early, why did he need to get up now? Couldn't he sleep for just a little longer? Then he remembered why. Today was his wedding day. How could he have forgotten?

"Wedding day!?" Toby shouted and jolted out of bed so quickly, he fell flat onto the floor at BEN's feet. He looked at the alarm clock beside his bed and gasped. He'd overslept by an hour.

"Oh sweet Jesus!" Toby yelped and scrambled to his feet. "Why didn't you get me up earlier BEN!?"

"If (Y/N) wouldn't kill me, I'd give you a black eye," BEN growled. "Now get your skinny ass in the bathroom and brush that awful hair before Slender sees you."

"Don't be nervous!" Jane laughed.

"I'm not nervous," you giggled anxiously, "Who's nervous? Not me, that's for sure."

"How long did you sleep for last night?" Jane asked, eyeing you skeptically.

"Ummmm," you yawned, "Maybe an hour?"

"Jesus, (Y/N)!" she gasped.

"What? I totally expected not to sleep at all," you sighed.

"Come on," Jane frowned, "We've got to get you a cup of black coffee before you get dressed."

"But I don't like black coffee!" You protested.

"Too bad! I can't have you falling asleep during the ceremony!"

"Oh my Zalgo, I can't do this! I can't do it BEN!" Toby cried.

"Will you just shut up and let me show you how?" BEN growled.

"It's just too complicated! Do I have to wear one?"

"Unless you want Slender to hang you with it, I'd suggest putting on the tie," BEN advised. After watching Toby fiddle helplessly with the thin, black fabric, BEN sighed and tied it for him, making sure to make it just a tad too tight.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," you whimpered.

"You better not," Jane warned, "or you'll be wearing it down the isle."

"This dress is too tight," you complained.

"No it isn't," Jane sighed. "It fits you perfectly. It's just your nerves."

"Are you sure?"

"Beauty is pain," Jane smirked, "Just ask Jeff."

You wiggle your eyebrows at your maid of honor and she blushed.

BEN dragged Toby into the living room and sighed. Every man in the house was sitting around waiting for Toby to finish getting ready. All the boys were in white tuxes with red bow ties and Slender had a black rose tucked into the breast pocket of his overcoat. Toby himself was wearing a black tux, but his was slightly nicer than those of his friends. BEN was wearing a red suit as the best man and Jane would be wearing a red dress as the maid of honor.

Masky and Hoodie both clasped a hand on each of Toby's shoulders and laughed.

"This is the f- first thing we won't be doing t- together," Hoodie sniffled.

"I'd hope so," Toby chuckled and squeezed his fellow proxy's shoulder.

"She'd better take care of you," Masky frowned.

"We won't be leaving the mansion, you guys," Toby snorted. "I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this!"

"We're just looking out for a homie," Masky sighed.

"I think I can manage just find," Toby smiled and hugged the two boys.

"This is all so touching," Jeff snorted, "I just might cry."

"You're just jealous," muttered Toby.

"Jealous of (Y/N)? In your dreams, man, she can have you! Sorry, but I don't fly that way," Jeff chuckled. Toby rolled his eyes, but the two boys exchanged meaningful smiles nonetheless.

"Hey Jane?" You called as you stared at yourself in the mirror.

"Yeah?" Jane replied and stepped out from the bathroom wearing a beautiful tight-fitted red dress that showed off her elegant figure.

"Thank you for being my maid of honor. I know we've only known each other for about three months, but you really are one of my best friends," you grinned. After you and Toby had returned unharmed to your friends, the boys claimed that they never would have found you if it weren't for her help. She'd gone back to Splendor Mansion before you'd been able to properly thank her, so you insisted that she be invited for dinner so you could express your gratitude. You wanted to meet the woman who had put so much effort into finding someone she'd only ever met once before and didn't know at all.

"Aw, come on, don't get sappy on me," Jane sighed but a smile tugged at the corners of her black lips.

"I'm not, I'm not, but really," you smiled, "Thank you."

Jane strode over and hugged you tightly, then draped her arm across your shoulder and admired the two of you in the mirror.

"We look hot," Jane smirked and wiggled her hips. You laughed and tilted your head at your reflection. Your self-esteem had always been pretty decent, but just like every girl, you had you moments when even compliments from Toby couldn't make you feel attractive. But now, seeing yourself in your wedding dress, you felt confident, strong, and beautiful.

Sally walked in on the two of you, jumped in front of the mirror, and twirled around in her flower girl's dress with a toothy grin on her face.

"Are you nervous?" EJ asked Toby. After a moment of consideration, Toby replied.

"Not really. I don't have a reason to be. I love (Y/N) more than anything and I'm excited to take our relationship a step further."

"This is quite the step forward," Jeff scoffed. "So young too."

"Don't let Jeff discourage you, Toby," Slender encouraged, "It doesn't matter how old or young you are. If you really love her, go and get her."

"Damn Slender, I didn't know you had that in you," BEN chuckled.

"I can be surprisingly compassionate when I see it fit," Slender boasted and straightened his bow tie proudly.

"Yeah, that's why I'm still on house arrest," Jeff snarled.

"I said 'when I see fit'," Slender reiterated.

"Enough chat," Jane scolded as she strode stealthily into the room. Her eyes met Jeff's for a moment before she quickly looked away and addressed the room of awe stricken boys.

"The ceremony starts in twenty minutes. Everybody get to you places, and please be quick about it. We wouldn't want to keep the bride waiting, would we?"

Yo yo yo, everyone! What did you think of the first chapter? Thank you guys for waiting so patiently! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I intend to post the next one pretty soon. I'd really love y'alls feedback so feel free to leave a vote or a comment. I'm really excited to get going with this story and I hope you guys are too!

Inner Demons 》Ticci Toby x Reader《 Savior Book 2Where stories live. Discover now