Chapter 17

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"Are you all packed up?" Jeff asked from the door to your room.

"Yeah," you nodded. "What time is it?"

"Time for you to get a move on. Toby and Jane will be here any minute."

You smiled your acknowledgement, zipped up your suitcase, and slung your backpack over your shoulder. Toby had been quick with arranging your stay at Zalgo's mansion and only two days after your call with him, he was on his way to pick you up. You hadn't run into Zero at all since your incident with him the other day.

"Can you guys hold down the fort while I'm gone?" you asked Jeff as you followed him down the stairs and out onto the front porch.

"We'll be fine," he laughed. "I hope."

You heard the churning of rubber on sticks and dead leaves before you spotted the vehicle ascending the undefined driveway. Toby was in the back while Jane was driving with someone you didn't recognize in the passenger seat. Jane parked a few feet from the steps and got out of the black car, Toby and the stranger following after.

"(Y/N)!" Jane exclaimed and wrapped her thin, gloved arms around you. "I've missed you!"

"I've missed you, too," you smiled.

"Nice to see you too, Jane," Jeff scoffed from behind you.

"Can it, Joker," she snapped and turned her attention to the unfamiliar man walking towards you. He had neatly kept black hair that brushed just past his chin. You noticed that his blue shirt bore a small pin of a smiley face and he was speckled and streaked with paint.

"(Y/N), this is Helen, the Bloody Painter. He's on Toby and I's team for the investigation," Jane smiled and tugged on Helen's sleeve to draw him closer. "He's a little shy."

"Pleasure to meet you," he said quietly and extended his hand. You shook it and smiled.

"Where's my hug?" Toby grinned as he stepped up beside Helen and Jane.

"Best for last," you shrugged and let him tug you into his arms. He buried his chin in the crook of your neck and inhaled deeply, squeezing you tightly.

"I missed you," he whispered into your hair.

"I missed you too," you whispered back. After a few moments he loosened his grip and planted his hands on your shoulders, pressing his lips to yours. It felt so good to kiss him again that you had completely forgotten that you had an audience. You broke apart to see Jane with her hand on her hip, picking at her nails. Helen didn't appear to be paying any attention and was staring absent-mindedly at the forest.

You cleared your throat and said, "Are we all set?"

"Yep," Jane nodded with a hint of a smirk in her voice.

"I suppose we should get going," Toby agreed. "Jeff, would you mind helping (Y/N) with her bags? I'm going to go in and say hi to everyone real quick."

Jeff nodded and Toby disappeared into the house. Nerves wracked your gut at the thought of him running into Zero. You knew that he wouldn't do any serious damage, but despite all that had happened, you didn't want to see Zero hurt. Jeff seemed to read your mind because he patted you on the shoulder and flashed you a reassuring scarred smile. Toby had already returned by the time you'd hauled your bags into the trunk of the car. Everyone in the mansion, minus one, poured out onto the porch to send you off, despite the fact that you'd only be gone for a few days. There was something about the gesture that made you feel warm.

"Try not to miss me too much!" you called from the backseat to your friends congregated on the steps of the mansion.

"Trust me, we won't," Jeff growled affectionately.

"Do your best not to get kidnapped," BEN suggested with a wink.

"Don't forget to call us," Eyeless Jack reminded you.

"Have fun!" Sally grinned. You watched the mansion shrink away from the vehicle and you could have sworn you'd seen the flash of red eyes in an upstairs window.

"So, will I be helping out with the investigation at all?" you asked after the mansion had completely disappeared in the distance. 

"There may be something for you to do," Jane shrugged from the driver's seat. "It isn't up to us."

"It would be ideal for us to enlist your help, but alas, your husband has requested that we try to keep you out of it to the best of our ability," Helen said.

"Helen, that is not in the script," Jane hissed through clenched teeth.

"Really, Toby?" you snapped. He only scratched the back of his neck and shrugged.

"It's not like dusting for fingerprints or taking blood samples is super dangerous," you sighed. "I can handle myself."

"I know you can, love, but that isn't the point. You're connected to this and I'm not sure everyone will be as understanding about your situation as we are," Toby frowned. "I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about what other people might do to you."

"Still," you scoffed, "that's no reason to tell Jane and Helen to lie to me. You could have just said that."

"I know I should have, but you've just been a little... fragile lately."

You glared at Toby. "Excuse me?"

"I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but you've been a bit touchy," he said lightly.

"I have not been touchy," you snorted.

"Right," Toby smirked, "Of course not."

You rolled your eyes and snapped, "What's your point? I'm just a little stressed out, alright?"

"Nothing, nevermind," Toby laughed nervously. "Maybe it's just me."

"No, I believe it is (Y/N) who appears to be wrong. I sense some kind of emotional fragility in her," Helen added.

"Shut it, Painter," Jane growled.

"Are you always this brutally honest?" Toby sighed.

"Yes," Helen replied.

A little shorter and worse than usual, sorry.

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