Chapter 6

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You bit the inside of your cheek as you focused on the screen, letting your fingers fly across the controller without a thought. BEN was sitting on the couch across from you with a relaxed expression, casually taking the lead in the race as if it were nothing. Jeff let out a low growl from beside him and glared at the TV. He was in last place. Toby was sitting beside you, leaned against your shoulder with his tongue poking out in concentration.

"You're looking a little strained over there, (Y/N)," BEN called as he glanced at you. Despite not looking at the screen, his cart was zooming down the center of the track and winding around the curves with ease.

"You've played Mario Kart far too much for your own good," you snorted. Toby, who was in second place and just ahead of you, released a banana peel directly your path. You hissed as your cart spun out of controlled and dug your elbow into Toby's side.

"Your elbows are like knives, holy crap!" Toby yelped and dared to release a hand from he controller to nudge your arm away. You took the opportunity to fly past him and claim second place with seconds to spare. 

"Dammit!" Jeff shouted as he cross the checkered line fifteen seconds later than Toby.

"First place, again," BEN smirked and cracked his knuckles.

"I would have been close second if this loser could have kept her bony elbows to herself!" Toby pouted and tickled your side. You let out a screech of laughter and curled into a fetal position to protect yourself. He grabbed you under your knees and around your shoulders and lifted you into his lap. Laying flat across his thighs, you crossed your arms over your chest and turned your attention to BEN and Jeff, who were making gagging noises.

"I hope you two make yourselves sick doing that," you laughed.

"Such hostility! When did you get so mean?" Jeff smirked. Over the three months leading up to your wedding, you'd slowly been building your relationship with him. You'd even gotten him to open up and admit that he considered you a great friend, despite the way he acted sometimes. Since then, the two of you were still at each other's throats, but all hostility was replaced with playfulness and admiration.

"Wanna come over here and say that to my face?" You grinned and held up your Wii controller like a club. 

"I think Toby would get jealous," Jeff shrugged.

"I could never be jealous of you, Jeff," Toby snorted. "(Y/N) wouldn't downgrade anyway."

"Play nice boys," you sighed and pulled yourself back into a sitting position, leaning on Toby as he slipped his arm around your shoulder. You opened your mouth to say something else, but movement at the top of the stairs captured your attention. Zero was frozen with one hand on the railing, his red eyes wide like deer caught in headlights. Everyone was staring at him. He pushed his messy black hair out of his eyes as his cheeks turned pink and continued down the stairs with his head down, hurrying to the back door.

"I should go see what-," you began, but Toby stopped you.

"I'll go."

"I'm not sure that's a great idea," you said quietly.

"I'll behave," Toby chuckled, sensing the reason for your protest. After a moment you nodded, kissed him on the cheek, and watched him as he followed after Zero.

Toby opened the door slowly, careful not to be too loud closing it in fear of scaring Zero. He was sitting in the grass with his back to him, staring into the woods.

"Hey," Toby called and sat down beside him. Zero's muscles stiffened and he didn't turn his head, but he nodded in acknowledgment.

"What are you doing out here?"  He asked.

"Thought I would get some fresh air," Zero replied quietly. The was a pause filled with awkward silence and Toby ran his fingers through his hair.

"Look," Toby sighed, "I think we got off on the wrong foot."

"I agree," Zero nodded. "I shouldn't have said what I did. I knew you were listening to our conversation and I feel awful that I upset (Y/N)."

"I wanted to apologize for threatening you," Toby frowned. The memory washed over his mind. When (Y/N) had ran from Zero's room after finding that BEN, Jeff, and himself had been listening in, he'd confronted Zero. He had warned him that (Y/N) was his wife and that he'd better keep his distance or he'd regret it. He'd said that the dream that (Y/N) and Zero shared was nothing more than just that and it meant nothing. Zero's response still haunted his mind.

If it meant nothing to her, why did she run away from it?

Toby knew her better than anyone and was confident that she would tell him anything, but when she hadn't revealed that she knew Zero, his faith had wavered. It was her fear that he would be upset with her that reignited it. He knew that she loved him and nothing would change that. He was sure of it.

"It was entirely warranted," Zero protested.

"No, it wasn't. I don't know you. I had no right to treat you that way."

"Thank you. I want you to know that I have no intention of messing with (Y/N). I can tell she cares a lot about you and I would never want to endanger that. I cannot deny that I feel something for her, I just don't know what it is. I just want her to be happy and if that's at your side, I'll to anything to keep her there," Zero declared.

"Good to here," Toby nodded and clasped a hand on Zero's shoulder. Though the admission of his feelings made Toby uneasy, he was determined to give him a chance. For (Y/N).

"Let's get back inside," Toby said after a minute. "Don't be afraid to join us in the living room. We're all here to help you, so don't be shy."

Zero nodded and smiled. As he trailed after Toby, a faint voice in his head snickered. He shook his head and ignored it, but the cackling grew louder and louder. He had to grit his teeth to keep from shouting at it. He felt like he found somewhere to belong and he wasn't going to let him ruin it. 

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