Author's Note (IMPORTANT)

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+PLEASE read this if you are at all interested in the future of this account and it's content+

I really wanted to avoid adding author's notes to this story, but I have a delima that concerns the people who actively read my stories.

It's nothing bad, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere or deleting anything, but I've been thinking about something recently and I wanted to ask you guys.

Originally I had planned to keep this account strictly fanfiction. I had an account where I posted orginal stories and it was the first account I'd ever made on Wattpad. But after I created this account, I became so engrossed in my stories on it that I updated infrequently on my original account and eventually stopped entirely.

I thought that because this account was so much more successful than my orginal account in such a short amount of time, that I should just stick to what the people like to read from me; fanfiction. But it was orginal stories on my old account that sparked my love for writing. It was the support I got from my readers that encouraged me to practice, practice, practice.

I can't juggle two accounts. I've tried but I can't do it. I don't want this account to fade because I'm more focused on a different account. The success I've had on this account is twenty times more than I ever imagined and I love you all so unbelievably much for the courage you have given me. I can do what I love because of each and every one of you.

So, I want to propose an idea; would you guys be opposed to me posting original stories on this account, along with the fanfictions?

I promise I won't stop writing fanfictions, I love writing them. But I've realized that I have more to offer than just that. I've got endless ideas that I've scrapped and have long since forgotten because I didn't want to disappoint anyone. But this isn't just my account. All of you made this account what it is today, made me who I am.

It would be unfair of me to make big decisions like this without consulting you guys.

So, what do you think?

Please y'all, I really need your thoughts on this!

Thank you so much for reading, I love you all to pieces!

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