Chapter 22

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My name is Zalgo.

The words sent a chill down your spine. There was no way. But as much as you wanted to deny it, it all made too much sense. Zalgo disappeared and Zero showed up with no memories and only your name on his tongue; the name of the girl who's blood had the power to kill him. How had no one put it together?

Nicholas laughed boisterously and said, "Zalgo. I'm pleased to see that you're awake and in good health."

"No thanks to you," Zalgo responded in a monotone voice. Slowly he rose to his feet. Slick blood coated his clothes but he didn't seem to notice. He placed a hand on the small of your back to steady himself and you froze. His touch was light and cold. You looked to Toby and silenced his protest with a shake of your head before he could cause any trouble.

Zalgo did not move his hand from your back as he spoke.

"For what purpose is there an audience of children?"

"I thought you might like to have some observers of your glorious return!" Nicholas chuckled.

"Why am I still in this human form?" Zalgo asked.

"It appears to be a side effect of the One's blood. It didn't kill you, but it destroyed your original form," your father explained. "Do not fret, my lord, your true form should return in a few decades."

"I have many questions for you, but first I must know," smiled Zalgo, "if this little girl is the One?"

"She is indeed," Nicholas confirmed.

"I'd like to keep her."

You stepped away from Zalgo's touch. Lord of Creepypastas or not, you shot him a threatening glare.

"Leave her out of whatever you and Nicholas are planning," Toby snapped.

"Come now, boy," Zalgo laughed harshly. "It was only a joke."

"What would you like done with these children?" Nicholas asked.

"First, I would like those chains removed."

The sound of fingers snapping could be heard and then the shackles encircling your friends disappeared. BEN rolled his wrists and sighed, "Wonderful! Now, if we could just have some nice little light bridges too."

Zalgo nodded his approval of the request and Nicholas snapped. The center circle, your circle, grew large enough to touch those of your friends. Everyone dashed together, checking each other for injuries and making sure everyone was alright. The relief of not being separated anymore flooded their eyes and the sight filled you with warmth. Toby ran straight to you and wrapped his arms around you. You found yourself laughing softly into his shoulder. Jeff and BEN wander to your side as well.

"Now," Zalgo grinned, "if you could send them on their way, that would be much appreciated."

"You want me to let them go?" Nicholas sighed and you could hear the frown in his voice.

"Of course!" shrugged Zalgo. "They've served their intended purpose so there's no need from them any longer."

Jeff took a step forwards and said, "So, no fighting? We can just walk away?"

"Yes, so get a move on before I change my mind," Zaglo threatened. "Nicholas and I have much to discuss. This is not the kind of story in which the plans of the adversaries are reveal to the heroes prematurely."

"Fair enough," BEN shrugged. "I'm too beat to listen to a monologue."

"One thing, though. If you see Dr. Smilely, send him my way," requested Zalgo.

Several hours after your encounter with Zalgo and your father, you and the Creepypastas of Slender Mansion were sitting in the living room of your home. Toby had his arm around you in a protective manner as if the lord of the Creepypastas was still standing in front of you. Everyone looked relieved to be home, but a soft seriousness highlighted each pair of eyes.

"We need a plan," Jeff said after a moment.

"But we don't even know what they're up to," EJ sighed.

"Maybe I can tap into my dad's conscience and figure it out," you suggested. "If he can talk to me, it should be able to work the other way around."

"Too dangerous," Toby frowned. "Plus, I doubt his creepy mind-speak crap is going to be very active after all of that. As far as we're concerned, he doesn't need you anymore."

"Toby's right," nodded BEN. "We shouldn't mess with something that isn't messing with us."

"Nicholas and Zalgo will be lying low for a while, that's for certain. I think we have some time to relax and prepare," LJ shrugged.

Everyone agreed with him and one by one, each of your friends wandered off to their rooms. You knew everyone must be exhausted but despite how tired your body felt, your mind was wide awake and alight with thought. Toby lead you up to your bedroom and you fell onto the bed beside him with a sigh.

"I'm sorry, Toby," you whispered into the sheets.

"For what?" he frowned as he pulled his shirt over his head. You couldn't stop your face from heating as he curled up beside you, his bare skin meeting yours.

"Everything," you sighed. "I'm an awful wife."

"No you aren't," Toby protested. "You're the most amazing woman a man could ask for."

"I've dragged you into this crazy mess."

"Actually, none of this would have happened if I hadn't tried to kill you," he laughed softly. "But, you know, I wouldn't change any of it for the world."

"Not any of it?"

"None of it," he smiled, "because every moment we've spent together, good or bad, has been the best moments of my life."

Toby rolled over on top of you and rested on his elbows, his face inches from yours.

"I love you so much," he whispered. "You could drive a knife though my back right now and that would never change."

"I'll try to remember that," you smiled weakly. Toby leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. You could feel the truth of his words as he kissed you, feel the love that he had for you and you for him. Thinking back, you agreed with him. You wouldn't change a single moment that you'd spent with him, for they were all special and precious.

Now that you'd conquered your inner demons, there was no doubt in your mind that this is where you belonged.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Toby grinned as he broke away from you.


"Do you want to have a family?" he asked. You blinked up at him, dazed. You'd expected to talk about it eventually, but not tonight of all nights. All you could do was nod.

"How about we start now?" he suggested with a wiggle of his eyebrows. You barely had time to laugh before his lips crashed into yours.

Last chapter! Fear not, I plan on writing an epilogue and another sequel.

I'm super sorry for the wait on this chapter! I've been really busy, so thank you all sooo much for being so patient!

I also wanted to thank you all for the support this story and it's prequel have gotten. I really appreciate everything you guys do for me and I wouldn't be writing if it weren't for you guys!

I hope you've enjoyed this story as much as I've enjoyed writing it! I love you all!


Inner Demons 》Ticci Toby x Reader《 Savior Book 2Where stories live. Discover now