Chapter 16

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I feel bad for not updating in so long, so have another chapter. Enjoy!

"What's wrong? Why are you crying? Did something happen? Are you alright? I can be there in an hour if something's wrong-"

"Toby," you laughed, sniffling a little. "It's alright. I'm okay, everyone's okay."

"Then why are you crying?" he asked.

"Well, something happened between Zero and I..."

"Did you guys have a fall out or something like that?"

"Well," you frowned, "kind of."

"What happened?"

"He... said that he had another dream about, well, us and that it was different from the one we used to have."


"He kissed me," you sniffed again, fresh tears falling down your cheeks.

"That's what you're crying about? Geez, (Y/N)! You really scared me! I thought he got physical with you or something. Look, don't worry about it. I'll just kick his ass when I get back," Toby chuckled.

"You're not upset?"

"Of course I'm not upset! At least, not with you. It's not like he's any competition or anything. I'm totally hotter than him. Besides, it's not like you kissed him back, right?"

You didn't know how to respond.

"You didn't, did you?" he pried.

"Technically, no..."

"Woah, woah, woah. Technically? What the hell does that mean?" You could hear the growl in his voice.

"I didn't kiss him back, but I didn't... push him away either," you replied quietly.

"Excuse me?"

"I wanted to! I really did want to push him away, but... something stopped me. I couldn't control my own body. It's like I was watching myself from far away. I couldn't move and..."

"(Y/N), what happened after that?"

"I may or may not have smacked him," you shrugged.

"That's my girl. See? I believe that you didn't want to. Did he try to lay a hand on you after that?" Toby asked. The anger in his voice was gone and instantly replaced with worry.

"No, he didn't. But he asked me if I felt something. He wanted to know if I felt what he felt."

"Well, did you?"

"How am I supposed to know? It's not like he told me what he felt, so who knows? But he did say something a little unnerving..." you sighed.

"What'd he say?"

"He said that neither he nor 'the voice' would let me do this. By 'this', I assume he means rejecting him."

"What's so unnerving about that? He was just being an asshole," Toby snorted.

"I would have thought the same thing if he hadn't have mentioned hearing a voice..."

"So what?"

"Ever since my near-death nap at Dr. Smiley's, I've been hearing this... voice in the back of my head. I heard it when I couldn't push Zero away and apparently he heard it too."

"Sweetheart, hearing voices in your head is not normal, especially ones that tell you to kiss creepy homeless guys. Why didn't you tell me?" Toby sighed.

"I don't hear it often. It's mostly when I'm around Zero that it becomes more active," you frowned.

"Well, I'll see if I can get you up here for a few days. Maybe that will help take your mind off things," he suggested.

"You know, you're taking all of this really well."

"Oh you know, I'm just trying to be an awesome, handsome, supportive husband. You know how I do," he chuckled.

"You're such a dork," you laughed.

"And you're a dork's wife," Toby grinned.

"I guess I'll let you get back to work. I bet you look hot in your detective outfit."

"I'm dressed how I normally am, you goof. What are you expecting? Sherlock or something?"

You giggled and said, "I bet you'd look adorable in his hat."

"Shut up and go to bed, woman. You're deliarus."

"Will do," you smiled. "I love you. Call me in the morning, alright?"

"Sure thing, my beautiful wife."

"You know," you grinned, "I'm really starting to get used to that."

"Good because you're gonna be hearing it for the rest of your life. I'll talk to you tomorrow, love. Avoid that red-eyed creep and his mind pal, alright? I love you, sweet dreams my dear."

You hung up the phone and leaned back on your bed with a sigh. You had a feeling that avoiding Zero wouldn't be too hard, but the thought of running into him made your stomach churn. A knock at your door pulled your thought away from the mysterious boy.

"Come in," you called. BEN strode in with a glass of milk and a plate of cookies.

"What's that for?" you asked as he sat them on the table next to you.

"Can it not just be out of the kindness of my heart that I present my best friend with delicious cookies and milk?" BEN gasped, mocking a hurt expression.

"No. There's definitely something behind this. What do you want?"

"I just thought you might be feeling a little lonely since your husband is gone. I'm just trying to cheer you up!"

"Cut the crap," you snorted. "What did you do?"

"I may or may not have let Sally watch a scary movie and now she won't go to sleep," he chuckled nervously and tapped his fingers together.

"Ugh, why didn't you just say so? The poor little girl's life has been a scary movie! What'd you let her watch?" you asked.

"Ummm," BEN frowned, "Just a few Saw movies..."

"Are you kidding!?" you growled. "How could you let a sensitive little girl like Sally watch something so gorey?"

"She said she could handle it," he shrugged. You sighed and whacked him upside the head before heading to Sally's room.

"Hey sweetie," you smiled. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah," she nodded.

"Do you want to sleep with me tonight?"

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother," Sally frowned.

"Really, it's fine. I could use the company."

Inner Demons 》Ticci Toby x Reader《 Savior Book 2Where stories live. Discover now