Chapter 12

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With shaking hands and tears threatening to spill over your cheeks, you gently tucked changes of clothes and an assortment of weapons into Toby's suitcase. You gave your head a shake to clear the blur of tears in your eyes and took a deep breath. You were over-exaggerating. Toby would only be a few hours away, inspecting clues with fellow creepypastas for a good cause. That was all. It wasn't like he was going off to war. You could go and see him any time you wanted. You could call each other. Everything would be fine.

But despite the convincing arguments your conscience made, there was a pit in your stomach that was on the verge of making you sick. You had a strange feel, a bad feeling. A quiet voice in the back of your mind whispered relentlessly, begging you to call him off and not let him go. But maybe it didn't mean anything. It was your first time being separated for an extended period of time after you'd been married. That had to be it; you were nervous was all. A voice behind you made you jump.

"I told you I would finish that." Toby strode up behind you, running a hand down the side of your arm and though it was covered by a long sleeve, the touch still sent shivers down your spine.

"I know, but I didn't have anything to do, so I just thought-"

Toby's chuckle interrupted your rambling. He rested his hands on your shoulders and gently turned you to face him. When you refused to meet his gaze, he lifted your chin up with his fingers, forcing you to look at him.

"You don't have anything to be worried about," he smiled. "Besides, if you don't want me to go, then all you have to do is say the words."

 "No, I want you to go. If you want to, then I do, too. It's just...," you trailed off, leaning into his hand on your cheek.

He kissed you lightly on the lips and said, "I'll be fine. We're not doing anything seriously dangerous. Just playing detective."

"You're the cutest dang detective I've ever seen," you laughed.

"Aww, shucks."

"We'd better get downstairs. Everybody is waiting to send you off." He nodded, slid his hand into yours, and picked up his suitcase with his free one. He led you down the stairs where everyone in the house was waiting.

"Geez dude, did you pack your whole closet in there?" BEN snorted, pointing his thumb at the bulging suitcase.

"(Y/N) packed for me," he shrugged and nudged you with an elbow. 

"Having your wife back your bags for you," Masky tsked, "Gender roles are so degrading."

"Oh shut up, I told her I'd do it."

"I didn't trust him to bring enough underwear," you smirked and Toby's face went beet red.

"Toby?" Sally called from his side, tugging on the hem of his shirt, "I made you something." Sally produced a small magnifying glass from behind her back. She had painted the handle and rim pink and given the lens antenna with orange pipe cleaners and purple, sparkling puffs. Toby knelt down in front of her and took the gift with a grin.

"All detectives need a trusty sleuthing tool," she giggled.

"Thank you very much," Toby smiled, "All the other detectives will be very jealous." He leaned forward and hugged her. Then he got back to his feet and clasped hands with his friends, patting each others backs and saying their goodbyes. As Toby and Jeff shook clasped shoulders, you pretended not to hear Toby as he told the pale killer to take care of you. Finally, he came to stand in front of you.

"Keep out of trouble, will you?" He said with a sad smile and ruffled your hair playfully.

"Psh, I never get into trouble," you laughed.

"Don't ever try to cook. If you chop your fingers off or burn yourself, I'll be forced to kill the guys."

"How would that be our faults?" BEN frowned.

"She's on your watch. If she so much as gets a paper cut, I'll hang you over the third-story balcony by your toes."

"I'll stay out of trouble," you agreed after a moment. "Don't worry about me."

Toby dropped his suitcase and tugged you into a hug, burring his face in your hair and whispering, "Telling me not to worry about you is like telling me not to breathe."

"I'll be fine," you assured him with a shaky laugh.

"We'll take care of her," Zero said. You realized it was the first thing you'd heard him say so far.

"I love you. I'll call you when I get there," Toby smiled and reluctantly untangled himself from you. 

"I love you, too. I'll be here when you get back," you nodded, seeing the worry in his eyes. He leaned down to kiss you, pressing his lips into yours as if it was the last time he would ever do it. It made the hollow pit in your stomach spark, but you ignored it and ran you fingers through his hair one last time before breaking away. Everybody walked him to the the door and out onto the front porch where a black car was purring idly in the driveway.

Jeff stepped down to help him put his bags in the trunk and they clasped shoulders one last time, sharing a look sparked with an unspoken promise. You would bet good money on what that promise was.

"Be careful!" you called as he slid into the backseat of the vehicle. As the car roared to life and rolled into cover of the forest, Toby rolled down his window and waved. You waved back, the tears you suppressed earlier threatening to return. You took a shuddering breath and felt a hand on your back, keeping you steady. It was Zero. His flaming red eyes were on the disappearing black car, completely unreadable.

"He'll be alright. He can take care of himself," he assured you. "I may not know him very well, but I can tell he's a tough one."

"Yeah," you nodded solemnly. "He sure is."

So I've been working on another story recently. Would y'all be interested in that?

It's a Jeff story, but it's not an xReader. Sorrrry.  

Inner Demons 》Ticci Toby x Reader《 Savior Book 2Where stories live. Discover now