Chapter 2

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The mansion's large backyard was white with cloth clad tables, flower garlands strung through the trees, and twinkling fairy lights. The sun had just begun to set and Creepypastas dressed in an assortment of red, black, and white took their seats. Toby stood at the alter patiently, chatting quietly with BEN.

"Just a few more minutes," Toby grinned excitedly.

"I wonder what she looks like," BEN muttered thoughtfully.

"Beautiful," Toby whispered, more to himself than BEN. He didn't need to see her to know that she looked gorgeous. She could walk down the isle in sweatpants if she wanted and he would still gawk at her.

"What does it feel like?" BEN asked quietly.


"You know... finding the girl you want to spend the rest of your life with?"

"Well," Toby pondered,"It feels... surreal. Because I'm so young, I thought it would be quite some time before I found the one, no pun intended, but when I did find her, I couldn't resist."

BEN stared at his feet.

"Awww, come on man! There's a girl out there waiting for you right now. You've just gotta go and find her. Try attempting to murder her. It worked for me," Toby chuckled. Before BEN could respond, the band began to play and the crowd grew silent. Toby adjusted his tie anxiously. The eyes of  every Creepypasta in the yard turned to watch the black carpet that lead to the alter.

The bride's maids, or in this case the bride's men, strode down the isle two at a time. Masky and Hoodie went first, followed by Jeff and EJ and then Slenderman and Each pair split at the alter and took their places on either side of BEN and Jane. Then Sally skipped out, throwing red rose petals from the white basket in her hands. The crowd watched eagerly as a few seconds passed. Then the door opened again.

Toby's breath caught in his throat when he saw her. The bodice of her dress was form fitting and covered in tiny, twinkling crystal beads and her skirts fluffed out at the waist. The train trailed behind her an additional foot and her braided hair was intertwined with small white flowers. She looked a thousand times more beautiful than he'd imagined and a grin spread across his face as she shyly grew closer. They made eye contact and she gave him a nervous smile that melted his heart. 

You took the last steps to the alter and stopped in front of Toby. He looked incredibly handsome in his tux and there was something about his smile that cast a child-like beauty across his features. The two of you stared at each other for a moment before your priest, Slender, began to speak. You'd heard the traditional speech a hundred times while rehearsing and you tuned out the first few minutes of it.

"Are you ready?" Toby whispered, his hands twitching as if it was everything he could do to keep himself from wrapping his arms around you.

"I am if you are," you whispered back, grinning. You turned your attention back to Slender and waited for him to cue the vows, but your eyes never left Toby and his didn't leave yours either. After another minute or so, your cue came and you took a shaky breath. Toby grabbed your hands, ran his thumb over your knuckles, and gave you a goofy grin that reignited your confidence.

"Will the groom please repeat after me?" Slender asked and Toby nodded. "I, Toby Rogers take you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) to be my wife."

"I, Toby Rogers take you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) to be my beautiful wife," Toby grinned.

"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do we part."

Toby recited the vows word for word until he reached the end and replaced "till death do us part" with "and nothing shall ever part us, not even death".

You grinned and recited your half of the vows, replacing the same line with his version.

"Are there any last words you would like to share?" Slender asked. You both nodded and Toby took a folded piece of paper from his pocket. He stared at it for a moment, then tore it in half and left the pieces float to the floor. You tilted your head in confusion, but he only smiled.

"I had prepared a very wordy, very frilly speech to give today," Toby began, "but to hell with that. (Y/N), when I first met you, I had entered your home with every intent to kill you. But when I saw you there, watching your tacky horror movie and laughing whenever a monster jumped out, I couldn't bring myself to do it. So I shut off the power to try and regather my confidence, and it worked too. Until I saw you again, this time brandishing my hatchet, ready to defend yourself. That, (Y/N), was the very moment I fell in love with you. It was your determination to live and fight that won me over and you weren't even trying. I love you more than anyone and anything and I have no idea who or where I would be without you."

"Rogers," you smiled, "I'll admit, when I first saw you, I was terrified. But then you spoke and there was something in your voice that made me feel safe, despite the fact that you were holding me at hatchet point. You took me into your home and taught me what it meant to belong somewhere with people that cared about you. I got to know you and realized that there was never anything to be afraid of. Thank you so much for everything you've done and will undoubtedly do in the future. I love you freely and fiercely and despite everything we've been through, you were still crazy enough to ask me to marry you. So thank you."

"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, I now pronounce you husband and wife," Slender declared with a smile in his disembodied voice. "You may kiss the bride."

Oh my gosh guys, this chapter was SO fun to write, I hope you guys like it as much as I do!

Inner Demons 》Ticci Toby x Reader《 Savior Book 2Where stories live. Discover now