Chapter 18

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When you arrived at Zalgo's mansion, you were greeted with a few familiar faces. Jeff's brother Lui was sitting on the steps with Dark Link at his side. The taller boy flashed you a charming smile as you exited the vehicle.

"It's been a while," Lui smiled.

"Yeah. How are you?"

"I'm great," he shrugged.

"And you, Sully?" you asked his other personality.

"Fantastic," Sully replied. "Thanks for asking."

"Hey, sweetheart. How's the married life?" Dark Link inquired.

You shrugged. "Better than your promiscuous one."

"I beg to differ," the elfish boy smirked. "Say, how far have you and Twitchy over there gone? We gonna be seeing any little freaks running around any time soon?"

"Why would I tell you where Toby and I have gone when I can tell you where you can go?" you said with a wink.

Dark Link's red eyes glinted with amusement. "Are we talking about your bed tonight?"

"No," you said and gave him a sweet smile. "You can go to hell. "

"God damn," Toby grinned and dropped an arm around your shoulder. "I love you so much." 

He led you away from the grumbling boy and into the mansion. It wasn't far off from what you'd imagined it to be: large open rooms with elegant furniture, massive sweeping staircases leading to ancient libraries full of books in every language from demon-speak to Greek, and a color theme of red, black, and white. You could expect nothing less of the king of the Creepypastas.

"Our room is this way," Toby pointed and led you up one of the spiraling staircases. He opened the third door on the right and set your bags at the end of the bed.

"Very nice," you said with an impressed smile. "You must be important."

"You know it," he chuckled. The room was fairly large with a king sized bed situated in the center of the back wall. Sparsely decorated with antique looking furniture, the room gave off a regal air.

"So who's in charge here?" you asked after sitting on the bed beside him. Toby stiffened and shook his head.

"Someone you're not going to meet."

"Why not?"

Toby sighed. "Do you remember when we were talking about Slenderman's brothers?"

"Yeah," you nodded. "What about them?"

"One of his brothers is in charge of investigations within our community," he said.

"I'm confused. Why does that mean I can't meet him?" you frowned.

"It's Offenderman," he sighed.

"So what?"

"Sexual Offenderman."

"Ohhhhhhh. So basically a tall, faceless Dark Link?" you laughed.

"That's actually kind of accurate," Toby chuckled.

"Well," you shrugged, "I can handle Dark Link just fine. This Offenderman shouldn't be much more difficult."

"I'm not so sure about that," he frowned.

"Alright, alright, if you don't want me near him, I'll stay away. Happy?" you offered.

"Very," Toby smiled and kissed your cheek. "Thanks, love."

"No problem," you laughed and kissed the back of his hand.

"It's getting kind of late. Do you want to get some sleep?" Toby suggested.

"Sure, if you will."

Toby nodded and stripped down to his boxers before sliding under the covers. After washing up and changing into a large, old t-shirt of Toby's, you joined him. You snuggled close to him, curling into his scarred and twitching chest as he wrapped an arm around your waist to secure you to his side.

"Hey," you whispered, already half asleep.

"Hi," he replied with a soft chuckle the shook you gently.

"Thank you for letting me come here with you."

Toby kissed the top of your head and said, "No problem. I missed you so much that it would have happened sooner or later."

"I missed you, too," you smiled. The two of you fell silent, breathing in time together. Not long after, the warmth of Toby's body lulled you to sleep.

"Toby?" you called. No reply.

"Hello?" you shouted.

"Toby is not here," a familiar voice whispered, cutting through the ringing silence. You whirled around in search of the voice's owner, but aside from a small circle of light around you, it was pitch black.

"What did you do with him?" you hissed into the unwavering darkness. You moved to the edge of your circle of light and glared into the blackness.

"I did nothing with your husband," the voice cackled, this time from behind you. "You did."

You staggered back from the edge of the light and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about this."

Another circle of light appeared to your right. Inside, Zero was lying motionless, crumpled and bleeding.

"Zero!" you screamed and ran to the edge of your light. Somehow you knew that if you stepped into the darkness, you would become engulfed in it, unable to find your way back to the light.

"Let me go!" you cried out. No reply. You stared across the blackness separating you and the battered Zero, horror spreading through your body. Blood had pooled around him and began to stream in different directions as if down a hill, spreading out like scarlet tendrils. When a thin line of red seeped into your ring of light, a strip of gold sliced through the darkness and opened a path to Zero.

Without hesitation, you dashed to his side, ignoring the path of light as it closed behind you. You knelt beside Zero and pulled him into your arms. His body was limp and he felt so weightless it nearly made you sick.

"Zero?" you whispered. Warm blood seeped through your jeans and coated your skin, but you paid no mind.

"Zero, please," you cried. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for everything. I'm sorry that I don't feel the same way about you. I'm sorry that I treated you the way that I did. Just please, please wake up."

The boy appeared to growl paler with each passing moment.


The boy was still. You leaned into his chest in search of a heart beat. All you found was silence.


You pressed your lips to his. Whether he was dead or not, you threw every regret you had into the kiss.

And then Zero began to stir.

Inner Demons 》Ticci Toby x Reader《 Savior Book 2Where stories live. Discover now