Chapter Five

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"HEY! COME BACK HERE"!!!! I run after the strange pony, but it's far too late. I turned to The Doctor, and he was scratching his head, obviously confused. "WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT"!? I say. "I don't know." Said The Doctor. "YOU SAID YOU DID"! "It was for show. I've never been here in my life! Her voice did sound familiar though...." "So you don't know ANYTHING about her!? The Doctor!?! Great! NOW WE'RE SCREWED!" "Geez, Sparkle, calm down! We'll figure out something....." "well this is obviously something WAY beyond whatever we've we're gonna need help." "What"? I smiled. "Follow me".
We walked all the way to ponyville, I was sure THAT was still there. I walked to Twilight's castle and knocked on the door. "Huh", I said, "Maybe she's not home.

Twilight's Pov

I trotted to the mane table in the middle of the castle holding a book, where all my friends were gathered. "I found the book. Now let's see...." There was a knock on the door. I sighed. I had a bad enough day already. I opened the door, and there was a white pony with brown and rainbow mane, and a brown pony with a time thing as a cutie mark right by the door. "I'm not taking autographs or pictures with fans". I tried closing the door, but the pony stopped me. "Please, that's not why, it's...." "Good bye." I closed the door on them. Maybe it was because I was so stressed out, I don't know. But I walked back to the table and opened my book. ""Fans", I said, rolling my eyes. "Okay, Princess Trinity... here it is!" I cleared my throat. "Princess Trinity is known as the princess of life and death. Princess celestia's and princess luna's long lost sister, a long time ago she got mad and tried to kill everypony. Princess celestia and luna banished her and she wouldn't come back until 10,000,00 years later. Nothing can kill her, or anything. She is capable of anything, so be careful." I closed the book. "We need to tell the princesses now, before she does any more harm". "How in the world did we not know that was princess celestia and lunas sister"? Said Rarity, ...and what does she want"?
"Hmmm....I don't know...... Said Rainbow, probably KILL EVERYPONY! What else to it? She already killed them all over in trottingham, and manehattan. All we know is we gotta stop her." "We don't know if she killed them Rainbow." I said. I heard a bump by the window, but nothing was there. I felt like I was being watched. I shrugged it off. "We'll go to Celestia, and we'll find out where this Trinity is, and stop her. That's it." "Its a plan"! Said pinkie cheerfully, "LET'S GO"!

Sparkles pov

We were looking at them through the window, and could hear every word they spoke. We backed up. "That's it! We can help them!" I said. "We'll team up with them to take Trinity down and-" The Doctor stopped me. "Sparkle, they look like they have everything covered. Besides, don't we have bigger things to worry about? Like get back to my world"? "But....this world is under destruction. It could be destroyed, and you don't want to help it"? "This world isn't my problem. I NEVER asked for this." "Not a part of this my ass! You're the Doctor! You're here now, and if you want me to help you, you'll help us. You know nothing about this world, right? You NEED me." The Doctor stopped. "And we need you". "Dammit". Muttered The Doctor. "All right. I'll help you. But you have to help me get out of here after I save this place." "Pinkie Promise"? I say. "We don't have pinkies...."The Doctor said. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" "Yeah," The Doctor said, "that".

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