Chapter Nine

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The Doctor's POV
Sherlock and John walked through the door. "What the hell took you so long"?? Said Dean. "Oh no problem, we were only sneaking in through the back door in the castle now home to the most powerful pony on earth. But we're fine". Said Sherlock. "Actually, we found this potion". Said John, putting down a bubbly blue potion on the table. "Apparently, Trinity's assistant is making her take this, which makes her evil". "So this is all just because of some silly little potion"? I said. "That seems unlikely". "Let me see that". Said Twilight, picking it up and examining it. "I can run some tests on it and see if that's what this is". "Are you saying that I'm wrong? Me"? Said Sherlock. "Just to be sure". Said Twilight. "Are you kidding me? He said, we have the potion, let's just fix it". "Sherlock... "Said John, just let them do it". Twilight went to check out the potion. "So"... I said,"how did you both get out"? "Actually," said John, glancing at Sam and Dean, "a certain trenchcoated angel suddenly came in here and flashed us all back to ponyville". "Cas"?! Said Dean. "How"? "No clue". Said Sherlock. "Really? That son-of-a-bitch was here all along!?!? "I've been trying to make contact with him ever since we got here, and he never showed up". Sam turned. "So what now"? Pause. "Well, we go to the castle and save Sparkle, obviously." Said Dean. Suddenly, the house phone rang. I picked it up. "Um... Sparkle"? "Hey, Doctor, don't come over here". "What did you say"? I Said. She was whispering and sounded really stressed. "What did you say"? "Shut up or I'm gonna get killed! I'm trying to escape." Dean was leaned in on the phone."Oh, no no no no no, stay there, we'll come and get you". "NO"! Said Sparkle, still very quietly. "I've stayed here too long. If you come over here your gonna get killed"! "Why"? Said Sam, also leaning in on the phone. "Why!?" Said Sparkle. "There's two trip wires set behind the back door, and Trinity just hired a bunch of big ass batpony guards"! "Great! So we know what to avoid when we get there. We'll be fine". Said Dean. "No, no you can't, trust me". She said. "Holy shit". Said The Doctor. "Calm the hell down, we'll get her". Said John. "No". Said The Doctor. "My TARDIS. It works! I'm not sure where it is, but we can use it"!!!! "Great". Said Sam. "Sparkle, do"- Sparkle hung up. "Damn it". ""Why haven't I thought of it before"! Said The Doctor. "Here, I'll summon it with the key". He took out a key and it started to glow. The TARDIS appeared.

Sparkle's POV

I put the phone back in it's hiding and teared ass out of the dark room. I couldn't risk Trinity seeing me now. If I was going to escape, I'd have to do it quickly. I went into the huge main room. I started to creep toward the window when I heard a voice behind me. "Hey, what the hell are you doing here"? I turned around. It was Blaze. "What are you doing here"? I said. "I have the sharpest hearing here. I could hear you. Plus, I couldn't sleep. Why do you think I'm Trinity's most faithful assistant"? "Well, apparently not anymore". I said. He put the tip point of his wing to My throat. "Unless you have a good reason for being out here, I can kill you right now". "You know she asked me to kill you, right"? "What"? "Oh yeah. She hates you. She said you got old months ago. You're not her faithful assistant. You mean nothing to her. If I didn't kill you, she would have already done it". He showed his fangs. "you've got some nerve, Sparkle". He said, sounding kind of pissed. "Look, I can help you escape. I know you don't want to be here. I mean, look at the place! It's terrible! There's got to be something else you want to do". "What are you trying to say"? Said Blaze, getting impatient. "Could you.... help me escape"? I said. "We could go together and we'd both be free, and-" he raised the tip of his wing to me again. "I would never betray the queen like that. Now I'm going to have to tell her your little plan". Well I couldn't have that. When Blaze's back was turned, I took out my blade, and lept on him. Blaze fought back, and we were all just a thrashing flailing mess. I was starting to lose, but I think I got lucky, because I took him by surprise. He shoved me back and started to pounce, and then I rolled over and he knocked over something from a shelf and it started to come down. That gave me enough time to stab him. Done. You would think all that ruckus would wake everybody up, but apparently all the doors s are soundproof. Must be nice. And now, I had no idea what to do. Suddenly, Trinity came out. "Huh," she said, "I underestimated you. Turns out your tougher than I thought". Turns out, that WAS pretty damn awesome. I almost had fun. That was probably the most intense shit I've ever done. Except for that one time with the dude with the-eh, never mind. Trinity looked at me, impressed. "Great. Now go bury him in the backyard. Six.feet.under. Here's a shovel". She said, handing me a shovel. Are you kidding me? This late at night? I don't know how the hell to dig graves! But I knew better than to argue. So I just went out and got to digging. "Oh Doctor", I thought to myself, "where are you"?

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