Chapter Fifteen

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Sparkle's pov
I trotted over to The Doctor. "Hey Doctor.... you're not mad at me, are you? I mean... I didn't know if you liked me that way and, I've always wanted to go out with Dean and, well it just sort of happened. So whatever it's worth, I'm sorry". I said. "You don't have to apologize, Sparkle. I guess I was just surprised, that's all. It's fine, really". He gave me a reassuring smile, but it was clearly fake. "Are you sure"? I said. "Yes". He said. "100%". He still looked like he was just saying that, just so that I can move on. He looked like he was done with this conversation, so I just smiled and said, "Great. Thanks sooo much Doctor". I jumped on him and gave him a hug, and started to walk away. The Doctor stopped me. "Hey, where did you get that beanie by the way"? He said. I realized I was wearing a grey beanie over my head. "Oh". I said blushing, "Dean gave it to me. He said I looked cute in a beanie". The Doctor just smiled, not pleased. Then, I walked away.
I can't believe Dean and I were dating! It's like a dream come true! I walked away feeling like I did my part and The Doctor understood, but I don't think he has quite accepted it yet. Hopefully we can still be friends (which usually never happens) but whatevs. I went into the main room of the TARDIS and went to sit by Dean, who was talking to Sam. "Hey sweetie". He said. We both kissed. "Whoa". Said Sam behind him. "Get a room you too". Dean held up a hoof to him. We stopped and Dean turned to Sam. "You're just jealous you have bad luck with the ladies". Sam glanced at Rarity across the room, swooning at him. "Yeah, yeah". Said Sam. "At least I'VE been in a relationship for at least as long as two weeks. You can barely keep one for a day". "Um, helloooo". Said Dean pointing to me. "You've only had two actual serious relationships. Her, and that one girl, Cassie". Said Sam. "Yeah, whatever dude". Said Dean. Sam rolled his eyes and Dean and I kept kissing. Meanwhile, the main six were all gathered up in a group together laughing, Sherlock and John were talking about crap, and Sam went over to talk to Trinity. Everything was goin fine until I heard a loud ass CRASH! From the door. "HA! ABOUT TIME I FOUND YOU! WHERE'S THE FUCKING DOCTOR"? We all started freaking out. The pony had blond hair and sounded familiar....wait.., nah, it couldn't be. The Doctor came out. His eyes widened. "THE MASTER"????? "The Master smiled.
"THAT'S RIGHT BITCH". He said. "I REGENERATED, AND NOW I'M BETTER THAN EVER"!!! He said, and then went into a hysterical fit of laughter. "THE FUCK DO YOU WANT"???? Said The Doctor. "I want to talk". The Master said. He looked at the others. "In private". Then, he grabbed The Doctor and tugged him into a room, locking the door by clapping his hooves. Everypony started to bang on the door or blast it down with magic, but it didn't work. "CAS, GET IN THERE WITH YOUR ANGEL POWERS!" I said. Castiel held out his hand as his blue eyes turned into beams and a bright white light blasted out of his hand, trying to blast down the door. It didn't budge.
"But.... that's... how is that possible..."? He said. He closed his eyes and concentrated really hard. "Now it just looks like your pooping". Said Dean. We heard The Master from the inside. "THERE'S ANGEL WARDING IN HERE, SO GOOD LUCK GETTING IN HERE, ASS-TIEL". "The fuck did he know that"???? Said Castiel furiously. "And how does he know our names"?????? Said John. "My name is CASTIEL". Said Castiel, getting pissed. "Better question". Said Sam, "who the fuck is he"?? "The Master". I said. "He's a time Lord, too". Everypony gave me questioning looks. Sherlock put his hooves together. "I am guessing he is evil and once tried to destroy the human world and then regenerated so he went over to this world and followed The Doctor for revenge and met the batponies to become their leader and now he's pissed because we bombed a lot of their city. That was why their city in the everfree was growing so fast. All the world destroying they did before was actually his orders and now he plans to destroy us all and take over the world". He said that all in one breath. We all stared at him. Rainbow Dash gawked. "How the hell could you know that"???? "I could go into excruciating detail but I would rather not as we do not have much time". Said Sherlock. John sighed. "He can figure out an evil guys plot to destroy the universe but still can't get Lestrade's name right". John muttered under his breath. "What was that John"? Said Sherlock. "Nothing". Said John quickly. "Well we better figure out how to get in There". Said Twilight. "And fast".












The Doctor's pov
I heard all the ponies banging outside the door, trying to get in. A bright light shone through the door. "THERE'S ANGEL WARDING IN HERE, SO GOOD LUCK GETTING IN HERE, ASS-TIEL". The Master yelled. The fuck does he know about that? The Master looked at me. What a freakin psycho... What so you want"???!! I said. "Oh, I didn't come here to fight Doctor, if that's what you're thinking". He said. "Really? Because you sure did make that impression when you first freakin busted in here". I said. "No point in being subtle". He said. "Hey, when I want something, I get it. You're so stupid, Doctor. You don't even know". "Know what". I said. The Master once again started laughing hysterically. "I'VE BEEN HAVING BATPONIES SPY ON YOU EVER SINCE I CAME HERE! NOW I know every single little thing about you, and your group. I even got them to do a little research on angels. I didn't have to do anything". "How did you put up all the stuff in this room"? I said. "I brought in my stealthiest batponies there, and they did it for me! I know everything about all of you, AND I DIDN'T EVEN TRY!!!!!" He started laughing hysterically again, and this was getting old. "I'm making THESE NEW batponies better than EVER!!! THEY WILL BE THE NEW SPECIES ON EARTH!!!!". Again, he started laughing hysterically. "What do you mean"? I said. "What IMPROVEMENTS"? The Master stopped and smiled evilly. "I'll SHOW YOU"!!!! Then, he got out a button and put our hooves on the button. Then, we disappeared.

DUN! DUN! DUNNNN! To be continued.....
Well I hoped you liked this chapter Everypony!!!!! This was really good cause I did it all in like one night XD Anyway people who are on spring break right now enjoy it!!!! And MLP SEASON 6 COMES THIS SATURDAY OMG HYPE SNSJSK who else will be watching it!?!?!?!?! I know I will!!! Ok so ya plz vote and comment and follow and shit. BYE!!!!:-D

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