Chapter eight

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"Summon Death"? Said Sam. "I mean, we can do that in this world"? "Well, if we want any way of killing Trinity, this is the way to do it". Said Dean. "But don't you think we have more things to worry about? Sherlock and John might be in trouble". " "Exactly. So if we hurry this up, we'll all be able to go home, and it'll be all sunshine and rainbows. Well, more than usual". "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard ya'll right." Said Applejack. "Summon.... Death!?" "Yeah". Said Dean. "With a capital D. He's actually a pretty cool guy". "Who the hell are you people"? Said Rainbow Dash. "They fight supernatural stuff". Said The Doctor. "Every single ghost, monster, or vampire you can think of is out there. And they fight it". "That doesn't mean summoning DEATH is going to work". Said Twilight. "Well, we'll just have to see". Said Dean.

Sparkle's POV

"So, how did you like that"? Said Trinity. "That was awful". I said. "Eh, relax. You'll get used to it". She said. "I don't WANT TO GET USED TO IT"!!! "Oh, stop screaming". She said. "You're making my ears hurt". "Then why haven't you killed me yet"!?!? "Oh, come now Sparkle. Why would I want to do that? You're my guest after all. Would you like a drink? Dr.Pepper is your favorite, right"? I looked up. "How do you know that"? "Well I am slightly psychic". She said. "Um... excuse me, miss"? Said Blaze. "I believe you forgot your daily beverage"? He said, holding up a blue drink. "Yes, indeed". Said Trinity, picking it up. I'm not an expert, but that's a potion if I ever saw one. She took a sip and she sat it down. Suddenly, a crash was heard underground. "Blaze, go check that out, would you"? Said Trinity. "Yes ma'am". Said Blaze.

John Watson's POV
We were in the underground of the castle, snooping around
to see any clues. Sherlock picked up a red potion from a big table and gestures to me. "These all must be potions". I said. "Well they are OBVIOUSLY potions, John." He said in a loud whisper. "Did you realize what Trinity has been gulping down ever since we got here? That blue potion". He said, pointing to a bubbly blue substance on a table. "I never saw her drink anything". I said. "Well, according to the dust on all of the cabinets, that is obviously a potion that turns ponies EVIL. Somebody was doing this to her. Perhaps her "faithful" assistant Blaze." "So she wouldn't be doing this to herself"? I said. "Obviously not". Said Sherlock. We kept on looking through all the cabinets to see if we found anything, when I saw a strange looking purplish-whitish potion. "Hey, Sherlock, I-" "shut up John." "Excuse me?" "Listen". I heard the faint sound of hooftsteps coming down the stairs. Fuck. We both thought we were doomed, until a pony in a trench coat and blue tie suddenly appeared."castiel"? I said. Just at the right time, Castiel put his hooves on our foreheads, and suddenly we were in ponyville. I twirled around and around. "But how did Cas get here? He wasn't there with us in the TARDIS." Sherlock was just looking ahead. "I guess we'll just have to find out". Then he trotted forward, and I followed him, while we were trying to find Sam and Dean and The Doctor.

Rainbow's POV

Dean put in the last thing in the black bowl, and it sparked. I can't BELIEVE they we're gonna summon freaking Death. I was still doubtful it would work, but a few seconds later, a creepy ass pony appeared in the castle. He looked at the brothers, his eyes wide. He had a cane, and was wearing a black suit without h a weird looking green ring on his finger. "Ah," he said,"the Winchester's again." He slowly scanned the whole room, looking at every single pony, his eyes lingering on one for only a second. Creepy. Sam and Dean seemed much more at ease than everypony else in the room, who was terrified, and extremely tense. "I brought some pickle chips." Said Dean, holding up a bag. Death took it. "What do you want, Dean"? Sam spoke. "We want you to kill Trinity". He said. "Please. Everyone else in the world will die and it will be miserable. We have no other way to kill her." Death, eating his pickle chips, said, "Why would I do that for you"? There was a pause. Then Death said, "Now, three reasons why I can't do this. One, it would be disrupting the natural order. Two, it would be messing with Fate. And three, even for me it would be a match, and I would have to get her on the LIFE side to do it, so no. I can't. Good pickle chips though. I better go, I think one of my reapers is calling me. Oh dear, Rory Williams dying again. Tut tut." He started to go off. "What so you mean her life side"? Said The Doctor. Death turned. "Get her on her good side". He said, "somehow". Then, he walked out.
Sparkle's POV
"So Sparkle", said Trinity, "I have treated you very nicely. I have treated you like a proper guest. So, you must do something for me". "The hell if I will". I said roughly. "Now listen". She said. "I know some of those ponies are going to come back here and try to get you." She sighed. "Sometimes they are all just so predictable". "Well if they do come, Sam and Dean are coming, and they are gonna BEAT your ass". I said. Trinity laughed. "Oh, no! not Sam AND Dean Winchester! Sparkle, you don't even know them, and they don't know you. Who says they'll come"? "I know they will, because they all want to kill you anyway! Also, they are better in a team". "Well, when they do come, some are sure to come in the back. On the way to the door, I set up not one, but two trip wires and bombs just waiting to go off." My cocky vise started to roll off, and I started to get doubtful. "Unless," said Trinity, "you do this one little thing for me". She leaned in close to me and whispered. "I want you to creep up on my assistant Blaze, and stab him in his face. Can you do that"? "Why can't you just do it yourself"? I said. "Because I want YOU to do it, Sparkle. I want a new assistant, and not that stupid bat. He got old months ago". "Right". I said. "If I do that, you won't kill my friends"? "Nope". She said. "How can I trust you"? "You can't". Said Trinity. "But it might be your only chance right now. Oh, and do it within the next few days, or I will summon your friends over here and kill them". I was freaking out, when suddenly, I heard a ring. I reached into my pocket. Oh my god it's my new boss. "Heh heh". I said as I shut I it off and put it back in my pocket. I hadn't had time alone to call for help or anything. "Give me the phone, Sparkle". Said Trinity. I sighed and gave it to her. I had no choice. "Now," she said,"while I tell you the plot to kill Blaze, I will show you to your room". She walked off, and I followed her.

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