Chapter Seven

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It didn't take long for the guard guarding us to fall asleep. I whispered to The Doctor in the cell next to me to say it was ready. He got out his sonic screwdriver and started to open the cage. "Hey, can you put that thing on silent"? Dean said. "It's a sonic screwdriver. It's going to make noise"! The guard started to shift, but stayed. He reached over to my cell, and started to open it. We all continued to do it until we were out. Then the guard woke up. "HEY"! He said. He flew after us, and we ran to the door. Dean clocked him in the face. Celestia was still able to get them all out with her magic, but was still in the castle. She couldn't flash us all out of the castle though, because the warding still weakened their magic.
We were all running to the door, with me in the back, when someone grabbed my leg. I tried to get free. "Help"! The Doctor turned, but then Dean tugged him, and they all ran out the door. "GET THEM YOU IDIOT'S"! Said Trinity. All the batponies ran at them. "Oh no, not you, baz". She said to one batpony. "I'm sorry I let them go, Ma'm. I-it'll never happen agai-" "yes, yes, that's what you said the LAST thousand times you fell asleep on the job"! "But I- " "Blaze, put him in he boiling room." She said. Then she looked to me. "I want miss sparkle pony here to watch". "Yes ma'am". Said Blaze. Then he went off.
"Let go of me you son of a bitch"! I tried to pull away from her, but she held me there, and put me in chains. I couldn't go anywhere. "please". Said Baz. "I'll..." Then Blaze came in. "It is ready, Baz". He said smirking. Blaze led the batpony in the room, and Trinity was leading me with them."What is he going to do"? I said. "We're going to boil him in a pot of acid". She said. When we got in the boiling room, there was a GIANT pot of acid below on the floor, that covered the whole place. We were on the very top on a railing. "I'm NOT watching that"!!! I said, trying to pull away. Trinity pulled me back sternly. "YES you are".

Back at Twilight's castle....
"I think we lost them". Said Twilight. "That was a close one". "We have to go back"!!! Said The Doctor. "Sparkle's trapped"! "Go back, now"?! Said Dean. Are you freaking crazy"!? We're gonna get killed"! "SO IS SPARKLE"!!! He said. "Whoa, hold on guys". Said Sam. "Where the hell is Sherlock and John"? "Wha-the'yre here too"? Said The Doctor. Sam and Dean exchanged looks. "You do remember, don't you"? Said Sam. "All five of us were tracking down that trickster, and then we ended up here." The Doctor started to remember. "My god." He said. "You're right. We ended up somewhere else. Maybe the portal scrambled my brain..." "Yes, well, we didn't go there alone, so we sent Sherlock and John the other way in their underground, and we were meant as a distraction." "So you got us ALL trapped on purpose"? Said Rainbow. "Way to go". "Not all of us". Said Dean. "You just happened to be there".
"Yeah, yeah, "Said Applejack, "But what are we gonna do now"? "I have an idea". Said Dean. "We're gonna summon Death".

Hey guys sorry it took forever for me to update this chapter but I'm working on chapter eight now! Plz follow me so you never miss a chapter!:D Bye!

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