Chapter thirteen

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"RISE AND SHINE, SPARKLE"!!!!!! "Ufff"! I fell off the top of the bunk bed. The Doctor came into the doorway. "We don't want to be late!!!!" "WHAT THE F-G MINOR ARE YOU DOING WAKING ME UP AT..." I paused, extremely tired. "WHAT THE FUCK TIME IS IT???!!!" "I believe it's time for you to get a watch"! The Doctor said, all too cheerfully. "DAMMIT DOCTOR I NEED MY MOTHER FUCKIN BEAUTY SLEEP". "Well if we don't go soon, we'll be late"! "YOU HAVE A FREAKIN TIME MACHINE, USE IT". "Well, aren't you grumpy in the morning". He said. "Come on, hurry up". I groaned and got up. I got barely any sleep. I looked in the mirror and saw my mane. Holy shit, it was a mess. I started to brush it groggily. "SPARKLE, COME ON"! The Doctor said over in the main room. "FUCK YOU". I said. If you haven't noticed, I get pretty grumpy when I get woke up too early in the morning. ESPECIALLY when it's being scared out of my mind and freakin falling off a freakin bunk bed. When I was finally done controlling my crazy ass hair, I put on my jacket and went out. "Well don't you look nice today, sleeping beauty". Said The Doctor. "Shut up". I said. We walked out the door and headed for Twilight's castle, where everyone was waiting. "Good". Said Trinity when she saw that we were all here. "Looks like we're ready. Doctor, could we maybe use your TARDIS to get to Las Pegasus"? "No problem!" Said The Doctor, and we all headed into the TARDIS. Trinity started to work all the controls on the control panel. "All right, we're here"!! She said. The Doctor looked at her. "What"? "We're here"! Said Trinity. "Already? But it didn't even make any noise". "Well that is the QUICKER way to do it, but you choose to do it The other way". She walked out the door along with everypony else. "But-wha- I like that sound!" Said The Doctor in his defense. "That's what makes the TARDIS the TARDIS"! "Whatever you say". Said Trinity smiling. I patted him on the back. "It's all good, Doctor." I said. "How am I gonna make it through with her?" He said. We walked out, and saw we were just outside Las Pegasus. There was a BUNCH of tall buildings, and ponies walking around. It would be the perfect place for batponies to strike. "I bet it's TOTALLY crazy at night." I said. "Ooh trust me, it's AWESOME". Said Rainbow dash. "All righty guys, let's stick to the plan". Said Trinity. She sank in her fangs and her wings turned into pony style. " did you do that?" Said Fluttershy shyly. "I did tell you, batponies can make themselves look like regular ponies". She said. "Might not want any pony recognizing me. Now, let's go!" We all split up with our partners, ready to look for whatever batponies who might be doing anything, and kick their ass. Of course, it might be a little hard trying to pay attention with Dean right there next to me. "All right". He said. "Let's go".








Trinity's pov
We both walked around the huge city, looking for any possible places batponies might be. "So what exactly ARE we looking for?" The Doctor said in his cute British accent. "Batponies, duh!". I said matter-of-factly. "That's not what I meant". The Doctor said, a little agitated. "And anyways, you should know where they are more than anybo- any pony here. They did use to be yours". "Yes, and they all followed me, so they all must be assholes." I said. "Definitely". Said The Doctor. Before the whole good potion thingy, I actually do remember all the things I did. It's kind of embarrassing, remembering all of those evil things I did. I'm turning into equestria's most wanted pony. Thank GOODNESS I'm fixed again. Maybe I can make it all up..... After a moment of silence just walking around, I realized we walked into a building. The Doctor bumped me. "What about that one?" He said, pointing to a pony with fluffy ears. "Shit". I hid behind a plant. "Ummm.... Said The Doctor, "Trinity, what the hell are you doing?" "I know that batpony. He was one of my most rebellious bats there. But looking back, he was really just a douche". "Huh". He was just walking around, looking at different ponies, as if stalling for something. "He doesn't seem to be doing much". Said The Doctor. "Come on", I said, "let's go". We quickly walked around him, waiting to see what he would do. He went started walking back. We both followed him, and he stopped at a corner of a wall, where literally no one was at. We were watching from behind a corner. He was just standing there. I looked around to my back for a second, when I heard The Doctor yell. "Gah"! I turned around, and the batpony attacked him. They were both just a rolling mess on the floor. He started to bring out his teeth. "NO, ALASTAIR". I said. I used my magic to blast him against the wall, and I walked over to him. "But.....master!" He said, delighted to see me. "I finally found you! We've been looking all over. Where have you been"? "I-" I started. "I'm not like that anymore Alastair. And why did you attack him"? "Well... you know who he is, DON'T YOU??? He's a time Lord like you and-" "Yes". I said interrupting him. "He is. Look, I realized that what we're doing is not good. I was put under a spell, and now we have to stop it. Please, say you're on my side". "Well, of that's how you are-" he said, "then I'm afraid not". Then, he started to attack me. I kick his legs and he collapsed. I held him to the wall. "WHERE ARE THE OTHER BATPONIES???" I said. "But-" "WHERE??" "In this city, all over the place"! He said, frightened. What are they planning to DO"????? "I DONT KNOW!!! SOMETHING BAD PROBABLY!!!!!" I let him go, and right then he attacked me. The Doctor jumped on him and I flipped over and quickly blasted him to bits. "Great". I said. "Let's go".

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