Chapter 2

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(A/N: When the text is in italics that means it's a flash back.)

~Chapter 2~

The heat of the sun was beating down on the beach, scorching my pale flesh. I smiled to myself at the feel of the warm sand in between my toes. Gulls were squawking far off in the distance. The waves were slowly creeping farther, claiming more of the beach as hide tide approached. A horseshoe crab settled into the sand, trying to barricade itself from the outside world. I closed my eyes and focused on the sound of the rising waves. I couldn't imagine a more peaceful afternoon, but like everything, it came crashing to a stop.

"Hey, there," a guy's voice hollered. "What are you doing out here all alone?"

I reluctantly opened my eyes. I cocked my head towards the voice and saw a tanned guy who appeared to be approximately my age, heading towards me. He had dirty blonde hair and a mischievous smirk. He was leisurely walking towards me, as if he didn't have a care in the world.

I decided to ignore him. Maybe if I pretended he wasn't there, he would go away.

"Hey, you there, girl," he persisted. "I know you can hear me."

I heard slight amusement in his voice. Still, I ignored him. It was the beginning of summer vacation and I didn't want to spend it getting annoyed by some arrogant teenage guy. I sought tranquility, that's why I was here. I refused to let a stranger ruin that.

Giving up, he jogged towards me.

I focused on the animated water that seemed to stretch on endlessly. I couldn't help but long for somewhere as beautiful as here where I lived.

I was pulled out of my reverie when the guy said, "It's rude to ignore people, you know."

I frowned. His voice came from directly next to me and I reluctantly turned my head to see that he was standing next to me. Wordlessly, he sat down next to me, gazing out at the ocean, just as I had been doing.

I was shocked when a small smile formed on his face and he murmured, "It's so beautiful out here, isn't it?"

I stared at him, dumbfounded. Here he was, sitting next to me and making conversation as if we knew each other. Just moments ago he had tried to get my attention, and with no response whatsoever from me, he had invited himself to sit down next to me. Who was this guy and what did he want?

He looked away from the ocean and back at me. "Don't you think it's beautiful out here?" he repeated.

I frowned at him, refusing to comply with these insane circumstances.

He sighed, leaning back to rest on his arms. "Look, I'm not looking for trouble. I saw you and thought you might be lonely, so why not give you some company?"

"You do know stalking is illegal, right?"

He smirked. "So she speaks."

"I'm sorry, but I don't find it healthy or safe to talk to strangers." I replied dryly.

He chuckled. He seemed to find this somehow amusing. "Well, I'm Wes, I'm seventeen, and love to take long walks on the beach. I live a few miles down the shore with just my parents."


"Now that you know all of that I'm no longer a stranger, so now you have no excuse not to talk to me." Wes said triumphantly.

"I still just met you, and I don't have a high tolerance for arrogant jerks."

He let out a low whistle. "Someone's a bit sassy."

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